Did you know that a lot of the highest places on Earth. One is a mountain or even the towering mountains on Earth is not only the highest but also one of the highest in our solar system. In the solar system there are also places highest of mountains higher than the mountains on the planet Earth. Mountain outside our planet is generally created by a meteor impact a very large rock, creating a deep crater and on the other hand creates a very high mountain.
I provide the following information on the 10 highest mountains in the solar system and some of them exist on planet Earth.
10. Makalu

Makalu is the fifth highest mountain in the world whose height 8481 m above sea level and is located on the border of Nepal and China. Mount Makalu has a unique shape that is a four-sided pyramid and is located just 19 miles southeast of Mount Everest. The first attempt to climb the mountain began in 1954. However, a successful ascent was first done in 1955 by a French expedition team is Lionel Terray and Jean Couzy.
9. Lhotse

Lhotse is located on the border of China and Nepal and is connected to Mount Everest via the South mountain height 8516 m above sea level. It is very difficult to climb this mountain because many times do yet always doomed to failure. The main peak climbing Lhotse was first performed in 1956 by a Swiss expedition team, Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger. Peaks Lhotse Middle remained a part of the highest point on Earth to climb, until 2001 when a Russian expedition finally managed to do the first ascent.
8. Kangchenjunga

Kangchenjunga is the third highest mountain of the world with an altitude of 8586 m above sea level, Kangchenjunga is located in the India-Nepal border in the Himalayan region. There are five mountain peaks called The Five Treasures of Snows. Efforts to reach the top of the mountain began early in 1848. However, in 1955 Joe Brown and George Band has managed to do the first ascent. Mount Kangchenjunga region located in four countries, namely China, India, Nepal and Bhutan.
7. K-2

K-2 is the second highest mountain in the world. K-2 or Godwin Austin has a summit elevation of 8611 m above sea level and is located in the northwest area of the Karakoram. Known as the wild mountain because high mortality rate when done climbing. K-2 is located on the border of China and Pakistan. Because it is almost impossible to make the climb K-2 from the China region, then many climbers do it from Pakistani territory. One interesting fact about the K-2 is that no one ever tried to climb the peak during the winter because it is very dangerous.
6. Mount Everest

Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth located in the eastern Himalayas between Nepal and Tibet. Mount Everest is a mountain that has not been exposed to the lime light by erosion and has two peaks, one of which reached a height of 8848 m. Everest is always covered in snow except high winds affected parts. Many glaciers are growing near the base of Mount Everest. Everest is the name given to the mountain in 1865 in honor of Sir George Everest, a British surveyor in India who find the location of the mountain and the estimated height of the mountain. In the Tibetan language called Chomolungma, which means mother goddess of the world.
5. Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea is the largest active volcano located in the north of the island of Hawaii, about 43 miles northwest of Hilo. The altitude is 4205 m above sea level, Mauna Kea pierced deep sea area 5547 km to the sea floor. So, if calculated from the seabed to the top of the mountain then Mauna Kea is the highest on Earth. Mauna Kea last active more than 4000 years ago. At its peak there is a snow cone and commonly used for skiing and the region including the Mauna Kea Observatory site which is the highest astronomical observatory in the world. On the upper slopes of the mountain there is a cave where ancient Hawaiian basalt digging to make the equipment. Lower mountain slopes used for cattle ranching and coffee plantations. The mountain is regarded in legend as the home of the Hawaii Poliahu goddess, the goddess of fire Mauna Kea.
4. Maxwell Mountains

Maxwell is the highest point on the surface of the planet Venus whose height of 11,000 m. Located in the northern highlands of Ishtar Terra, whose origins are from the mountain belt is still controversy about the origin of. Maxwell was first discovered in 1967 by scientists in America Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico. The mountain is named after mathematician and a doctor named James Clerk Maxwell who works using radio waves created by radar and can eventually megeksplorasi surface area of Venus.
3. Mountains Bosaule

Bosaule known as the highest non-volcanic mountain of the Solar System. The mountain is located on Io, the fourth-largest satellite of the Solar System and is the inner satellites of Jupiter. Io is geologically quite interesting because it contains about 400 active volcanoes, and contains more than 150 mountains on its surface. Bosaule mountain is one of the mountains which is located in the northwest of the amazing Pele and reaches a height of 17,500 m. The mountain got its name from a cave in Greek mythology when Epaphus who is son of the god Zeus was born.
2. Ridge Equator

Located on the dark hemisphere of the satellite's third largest, Lapetus by Saturn, ridge along parts of the equator in the middle there are a few isolated peaks as high as 20 km. Equatorial ridge was discovered by the Cassini spacecraft on December 31, 2004. Ridge formation is still debated by scientists, but it has been agreed that this ancient ridge formed by the heavily cratered surface. Very noticeable bulge of the ridge forming satellite Lapetus like a walnut.
1. Olympus Mons
I provide the following information on the 10 highest mountains in the solar system and some of them exist on planet Earth.
10. Makalu
Makalu is the fifth highest mountain in the world whose height 8481 m above sea level and is located on the border of Nepal and China. Mount Makalu has a unique shape that is a four-sided pyramid and is located just 19 miles southeast of Mount Everest. The first attempt to climb the mountain began in 1954. However, a successful ascent was first done in 1955 by a French expedition team is Lionel Terray and Jean Couzy.
9. Lhotse
Lhotse is located on the border of China and Nepal and is connected to Mount Everest via the South mountain height 8516 m above sea level. It is very difficult to climb this mountain because many times do yet always doomed to failure. The main peak climbing Lhotse was first performed in 1956 by a Swiss expedition team, Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger. Peaks Lhotse Middle remained a part of the highest point on Earth to climb, until 2001 when a Russian expedition finally managed to do the first ascent.
8. Kangchenjunga
Kangchenjunga is the third highest mountain of the world with an altitude of 8586 m above sea level, Kangchenjunga is located in the India-Nepal border in the Himalayan region. There are five mountain peaks called The Five Treasures of Snows. Efforts to reach the top of the mountain began early in 1848. However, in 1955 Joe Brown and George Band has managed to do the first ascent. Mount Kangchenjunga region located in four countries, namely China, India, Nepal and Bhutan.
7. K-2
K-2 is the second highest mountain in the world. K-2 or Godwin Austin has a summit elevation of 8611 m above sea level and is located in the northwest area of the Karakoram. Known as the wild mountain because high mortality rate when done climbing. K-2 is located on the border of China and Pakistan. Because it is almost impossible to make the climb K-2 from the China region, then many climbers do it from Pakistani territory. One interesting fact about the K-2 is that no one ever tried to climb the peak during the winter because it is very dangerous.
6. Mount Everest
Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth located in the eastern Himalayas between Nepal and Tibet. Mount Everest is a mountain that has not been exposed to the lime light by erosion and has two peaks, one of which reached a height of 8848 m. Everest is always covered in snow except high winds affected parts. Many glaciers are growing near the base of Mount Everest. Everest is the name given to the mountain in 1865 in honor of Sir George Everest, a British surveyor in India who find the location of the mountain and the estimated height of the mountain. In the Tibetan language called Chomolungma, which means mother goddess of the world.
5. Mauna Kea
Mauna Kea is the largest active volcano located in the north of the island of Hawaii, about 43 miles northwest of Hilo. The altitude is 4205 m above sea level, Mauna Kea pierced deep sea area 5547 km to the sea floor. So, if calculated from the seabed to the top of the mountain then Mauna Kea is the highest on Earth. Mauna Kea last active more than 4000 years ago. At its peak there is a snow cone and commonly used for skiing and the region including the Mauna Kea Observatory site which is the highest astronomical observatory in the world. On the upper slopes of the mountain there is a cave where ancient Hawaiian basalt digging to make the equipment. Lower mountain slopes used for cattle ranching and coffee plantations. The mountain is regarded in legend as the home of the Hawaii Poliahu goddess, the goddess of fire Mauna Kea.
4. Maxwell Mountains
Maxwell is the highest point on the surface of the planet Venus whose height of 11,000 m. Located in the northern highlands of Ishtar Terra, whose origins are from the mountain belt is still controversy about the origin of. Maxwell was first discovered in 1967 by scientists in America Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico. The mountain is named after mathematician and a doctor named James Clerk Maxwell who works using radio waves created by radar and can eventually megeksplorasi surface area of Venus.
3. Mountains Bosaule
Bosaule known as the highest non-volcanic mountain of the Solar System. The mountain is located on Io, the fourth-largest satellite of the Solar System and is the inner satellites of Jupiter. Io is geologically quite interesting because it contains about 400 active volcanoes, and contains more than 150 mountains on its surface. Bosaule mountain is one of the mountains which is located in the northwest of the amazing Pele and reaches a height of 17,500 m. The mountain got its name from a cave in Greek mythology when Epaphus who is son of the god Zeus was born.
2. Ridge Equator
Located on the dark hemisphere of the satellite's third largest, Lapetus by Saturn, ridge along parts of the equator in the middle there are a few isolated peaks as high as 20 km. Equatorial ridge was discovered by the Cassini spacecraft on December 31, 2004. Ridge formation is still debated by scientists, but it has been agreed that this ancient ridge formed by the heavily cratered surface. Very noticeable bulge of the ridge forming satellite Lapetus like a walnut.
1. Olympus Mons
So far the highest mountain ever discovered in our solar system is Olympus Mons is the high mountain 24 km above a smooth plains on Mars. The height was three times higher than Mount Everest. Olympus Mons was found when the U.S. space probe, Mariner 9, in 1971 when he sent four pictures of the volcanic mountain. Need dikethui that part of the Olympus Mons shield similar in size to the Mauna Kea mountain on Earth. Extraordinary heights of Olympus Mons be no movement of the tectonic plates that allow the mountain to remain in place. Lava continues to flow until the mountain reaches a considerable height. Base of the mountain continued to fall as deep as 2 km away to the crust each year, this is due to the enormous pressure pressing crust of Mars.