Talking about women, it's never ending. The creature is often referred to came from the planet Venus has a unique attitude and behavior as well as shocking. Here we present the funny facts about women who reported Boldsky. Take a piece of paper and check, how the fact that according to you?
1. I wear what?
When compared to the wardrobe of men, women have more clothes. Surprisingly, they still always confused and feel almost no clothes to wear! After opening the closet with a pile of clothing, usually women think for 10 minutes will wear what clothes these days. Among the millions of women in the world, when choosing clothes in the closet, there must be something to say "I do not have a suitable dress for this day". Right?
2. Always diet
It's a funny fact about women. Whenever friends or family ask to eat something, will appear the same answer, "I'm dieting again." Ironically, she would eat fried foods or just a burger when they claimed to have been dieting.
3. Women can not keep secrets
Whatever happens, women can never keep any secrets. If you tell them not to reveal any secrets, they are even more tempted to share and do it intentionally or unintentionally. After knowing this fact if you still dare to share secrets with your girlfriends?
4. Not honest about appearance
If there are friends or couples who ask, "How do I look?". First, women need a lot of time to think, only they would answer. Answers that appear are not always honest. In contrast, men were more forthright when asked this question.
5. Women are fond of shopping
Shopping is one of the favorite hobbies every woman on earth. They have every reason to buy new clothes, shoes, accessories and others.
6. Can not stop gossiping
Give a bunch of issues on women and see how they are absorbed in gossip. Yes, this is the funny facts about her that we all know! Although most of the women were saying "I hate gossiping", but it is the nature of women who are difficult to change.
7. Could not rest more than a minute
If you can make a woman more than one minute calm your extraordinary means. Something always be to talk about or things to do women.
8. Women prefer cuddling over sex
While men often give priority to sex, whereas women were more comfortable for cuddling or making out during sex.
How ladies, one of the facts that you've experienced it? Although a bit silly, but it characterizes women.