some people have exaggerated fears about the world in which we live. Sometimes, the fear does not seem unreasonable to others. For example, fear of flying, fear of tight spaces, or a fear of spiders. So far, we have known some kind of phobia is common in the community. However, the following types of phobia probably never crossed your mind.
1. Ablutophobia

Fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning the body. Commonly found in children and women than in men.
2. Alektorophobia
1. Ablutophobia

Fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning the body. Commonly found in children and women than in men.
2. Alektorophobia
Excessive fear of chickens. There are even some people who are hit by a wave of fear at the sight of chicken feathers or eggs. While for some people, fear is only limited touching uncooked chicken meat.
3. Bromidrosiphobia

Rare is the person who thinks that he has body odor. However, people who experience bromidrosiphobia always haunted by the fear that the body secrete excessive smell very smelly, so they can make other people go.
4. Caligynephobia
Excessive fear of the beautiful woman. This can be experienced by both women and men. This fear may arise due to a bad experience with a beautiful woman.
5. Somniphobia
3. Bromidrosiphobia

Rare is the person who thinks that he has body odor. However, people who experience bromidrosiphobia always haunted by the fear that the body secrete excessive smell very smelly, so they can make other people go.
4. Caligynephobia

5. Somniphobia

People who have this condition feel afraid to go to sleep, because they are too afraid to not be able to wake up again or will have nightmares. Most people with this phobia will drink beverages containing caffeine or pills, so they can stay awake. Unfortunately, when sleep is essential to health and life, yes.