These are the faces of the most creative directors with films in the world:
1) Peter Jackson
1) Peter Jackson
is the man behind the success of the film trilogy The Lord of the Ring
trilogy, and is working on the next project is The Hobbit. Besides Peter Jackson also directed King Kong, District 9 and The Adventures of Tintin, successful in the world. Peter
get some award for LOTR: The Return of The King managed to diajang Best
Director Academy Awards, Golden Globe Award and a Saturn Award. Men born October 31, 1961 is a smart director, he never had a formal education in filmmaking. Jackson learned editing, special effects and make-up based on experience and trial and error.
2) Quentin Tarantino
2) Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino movie is the sequel to the famous movie Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) and Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004). Style director who was born March 27, 1963, influenced by John Woo, David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick, Brian De Palma and others. Quentin
Tarantino received several awards one of which is a lifetime
achievement award from the President of the Philippines Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo in 2007 at the Malacanang palace-Manila.
His films always contain a rich sensation example Inglourious Basterds movie narrative Nazi and who know about the latest Django Unchained who really successful and received many awards.
3) Stanley Kubrick
His films always contain a rich sensation example Inglourious Basterds movie narrative Nazi and who know about the latest Django Unchained who really successful and received many awards.
3) Stanley Kubrick
Kubrick was a powerful director, writer, producer and photographer who
was born on July 26, 1928 and died on March 7, 1999. Kubrick died at age 70 of a heart attack. Kubrick works often reference other directors. Directorial
style that reflects the slow and methodical personality and obsessive
and perfectionist Kubrick's later works have elements of surrealism. Kubrick won an Oscar for the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) for Best Special Effects. During his life Kubrick was a director for 14 films.
4) Martin Scorsese
4) Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese to direct the best of the 50's to the present. Men
born November 17, 1942 to direct films like The Departed (2006),
Goodfellas (1990), Casino (1995), The Aviator (2004), Gangs of New York
(2002) and many more. Martin Scorsese won the Academy Award for Best Director for the film The Departed. Martin
Scorsese received numerous awards, in 2007 in the list of 100 most
influential people in the world who was released by Time magazine. And
the same year became one of Martin Scorsese director of all time with
Steven Spielberg and Alfred Hitchcock magazine Total Film. And his work is a biography of this baru2 legendary musician George Harrison's favorite aneg
5) Woody Allen
5) Woody Allen
Woody Allen is an actor, director, screenwriter, comedian, musician and playwright. Men born December 1, 1935 is very multi-talented. Allen is one of the directors with clever ideas and very literary. His films tend to be philosophical and a little in-mikirin-. Annie Hall is one of the most successful. Starring himself, the film is able to snatch a lot of awards. Ane does not watch it, I watch a new movie Midnight in Paris and a short movie he made. Very impressing. Kind of film you might make some people considered to be in-anehïŋ-but entertaining because of the mode of delivery is fresh.
6) Spike Jonze
6) Spike Jonze
Spike Jonze is a fresh meat in showbiz. If ane see her and watch the movie, ane muter feel rich again invited to lalaland. Carousel ride but not berenti-berenti. Happy, but there is the odd rich. Ane watch Where The Wild Things Are. It was based on the original storybook children we do not have 10 pages. But all that asbsurd and less happynya he tuangin to film. Jonze
is more familiar in the world of advertising and who knows if he
permusikan.Jarang sempet help out clipnya Weezer and Bjork video. So much for his quirky him, he also recently collab together to make a movie Arcade Fire The Suburbs. Indie really does. And tetep, the film which is almost flat but attractive to watch.
7) Tim Burton
7) Tim Burton
The quirky-est man on earth. Mr. Burton has a quite Inhuman thoughts. Take a look at his films Scissorshand wealthy Edward, Alice in Wonderland, and do not forget the Nightmare Before Christmas. All rich strayed from common sense. As if he makes it all from the imagination-in-terlarangïŋ of most people. Rich pas ane watch Nightmare Before Christmas ane ga ngarep weve made clay things typical cartoon funny christmas. Ane only imagine that dark dark. Most
of his films include Johnny Depp but they weve rich UDH solmet Gan
heck, there are films that they both finished her ciamik2.8) Hayao Miyazaki
Ever seen Disney cartoons went Japanese? The Japanese weve got something pretty scary with their minds. They like a genius too, and make all things that make us the fools dumbfounded. Rich instance, watch Spirited Away. Miyazaki is the man behind the success of Studio Ghibli animation yg udh disebut2 ngehasilin much as the Japanese Disney. Many films that are mystical and very close to the Japanese culture. Grave of the Fireflies is one of the most ogled that too, and saranin agan ane watch. This movie makes meweknya bener2 kebangetan fit.
9) Stephen Spielberg
9) Stephen Spielberg
Who is gatau Spielberg? The following questions afterwards, who gasuka ET? Jurassic Park? No doubt, the hottest director is Steven Spielberg. Men born December 18, 1946 has directed 32 films from 1963 to the present. Steven Spielberg known cold in directing a film. Almost all his films became hits and included in the box office. Call
it Jaws (1975), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), Jurassic
Park (1993) and a sequel, Saving Private Ryan (1998), The Terminal
(2004), Catch Me If You Can (2002), AI: Artificial Intelligence (2001), War of the Worlds (2005) and many more. The most phenomenal movie and still remember until now are ET The Extra-Terrestrial (1982). Steven
Spielberg is a multi-talented to be a film director, screenwriter,
producer, video game designer and studio entrepreneur. Forbes calls Spielberg's wealth at $ 3 billion in 2011. Steven Spielberg on the list of the 100 Most Important People of the Century that was released by Time. It does not count that he can award in Academy Awards, BAFTA Awards, Golden Globe Award, Cannes Film Festival and many more. Hand-print, signature and footprints immortalized in front of Steven Spielberg's Grauman Chinese Theatre. Steven Spielberg's name is also embedded on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with other famous figures.
10) Alfred Hitchcock
10) Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hichcock may be the only director with the most films, as many as 58 films were successfully directed. Men born August 13, 1899 and died at the age of 80 years on 29 April 1980 remain consistent to be a director. Alfred
Hitchcock never received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the American
Film Institute in 1979 and received several Academy Awards. Alfred
Hitchcock began his career from silent films to modern films and became
a pioneer in the techniques of psychological thriller and thriller
films. As well as being a pioneer use of camera moves. Alfred Hitchcock films are little known is Mr. And Mrs. Smith (1941), Rear Window (1954), Psycho (1960) and many more.