5 Conspiracy Theory Proven Correct

World conspiracy as cryptozoology. For most people, believe in the existence of Nessie or Bigfoot would be considered a madness. There is no scientific proof of the existence of this creature. All outstanding issues based solely on the testimony and the photographs are blurry.

But most people forget that Panda and Komodo been entered into the category of cryptid. When the existence of the two animals is well known, the existence of pandas and dragons become commonplace. As well as conspiracy theories.

Some conspiracy theorists would sound absurd. For example, the belief that the politicians actually famous in this world is the reptilian aliens in disguise. How cool is that?

This time we will not examine theories about the reptiles that ruled the earth. We will see another conspiracy theory that even sounds pretty crazy, but later proved to be a truth.

1. MK Ultra
In the mid-1900s, rumors are circulating that the U.S. government, in this case the CIA, has conducted mind control experiments conducted by drugs such as LSD. Those who propose this theory will be ridiculed and considered to be a Paranoid. The American government did not admit and consider such issues as an unfounded rumor.

But in 1975, the U.S. Congress began to form a committee to investigate CIA activities in the country. Committee called the Church Committee found the facts about MK Ultra. CIA mind control experiment was done or "Engineering Human Behavior" by the CIA Intelligent Scientific division.

The program started in the 1950s until terminated in 1973. The investigation also found that the current head of the CIA, Richard Helms, had ordered the destruction of documents related to the MK Ultra that year.

Through freedom of information legislation, the CIA began releasing the remaining documents to the public until 2001 MK Ultra is not considered a secret project.

2. Testimony of Nayirah

In 1990, the conflict in the Middle East when Iraq invaded oil-rich Kuwait. Saddam Hussein accused Kuwait steal the oil resources. Of course Kuwait rejected the allegations.

Because Iraq has a much stronger military, then Kuwait is a small country but it has a tremendous wealth, immediately seek assistance from the United States.

To convince the American government, congressman from California named Tom Lantos took a 15-year-old child to speak in front of his colleagues on Capitol Hill. Tom Lantos is chairman of the human rights caucus in Congress.

On 10 October 1990, the eyes of the world are upon Nayirah and carefully listen to what he tells the cruelty of the Iraqi forces, including when they kill 300 babies in a hospital.

When the war ended, there are people who are interested in the figure of Nayirah. They found a fact that is surprising. Nayirah the son of Sheikh Saud Nasser Al-Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States who is also a member of the royal family.

So many rumors and conspiracy allegations began to emerge. Tom Lantos later revealed that working with a public relations firm, Hill & Knowlton, who also works for the organization Citizens for Free Kuwait.

Nayirah even learned acting from the agency and his testimony regarding the murder of 300 infants was not proven. It is said that the royal family of Kuwait pays the agency worth 11.9 million dollars. One goal, which is to convince the government and the Congress of the United States so he would take military action against Iraq.

3. Experiments with chemical and biological substances

This theory states that the U.S. government tried to make efforts to control the population through the poison that is spread through the agent / hazardous chemical substances. Is this belief just stems from a deep sense of paranoia or does have a sound basis?

Well, it looks like the conspiracy theorists have a point too. Now it is common knowledge that has also been recognized by the American government in the past that they did conduct such experiments.

U.S. military records show that they have conducted experiments using biological substances against civilians. Even done up to 239 times!

Among these is the spraying experiments conducted in 1966 in a New York subway station with a similar substance Anthrax!

In addition, in 1950, the U.S. government also spraying a cloud of bacteria in the bay of San Francisco. This cloud is called the government as non-hazardous biological agents.

But after that, it was reported that there were 11 people admitted to hospital with a rare urinal infection. At least one person was reported dead. Later, it is known that these bacteria are harmless to healthy people, but can bring harm to those who have a weak body.

In 2012, a researcher named Lisa Martino Taylor managed to gather data that proves that military scientists have sprayed radioactive particles in St.Louis, Missouri, called aims to test chemical weapons technology. Spraying was carried out between the 1950s to 1960s.

Now, after the events of these past experiments, the conspiracy theorists believe that the government is still secretly spraying. One of the evidence presented is chemtrail. In another version of the theory, population control is believed to be done by other substances such as fluoride.

Are chemtrail or Flouride is part of a dangerous government experiment? Time will reveal it.

4. Operation Mockingbird

Every aspect of our lives shaped by the information we receive. However, what if the flow of information is controlled by the government?

The conspiracy theorists have a tendency. They do not trust the mainstream media. They argue that the mainstream media has been controlled by the government trying to regulate the flow of information. The proof is the mainstream media's reluctance to preach conspiracy theories problems.

In many cases, this is arguably true. Government has an interest and have the power to take any action to protect national security or certain people.

For example, when the Obama daughters, Malia, went on vacation to Mexico, some media reported the visit. But the next day, the news simply vanished from the internet. Later, Secret Service admitted that they had asked the news media to unplug it for safety Malia.

During the end of World War II, around the beginning of 1948, a CIA agent named Frank Wisner was entrusted to take care of one branch of the CIA called the Office of Policy Coordination. In the implementation of its authority, Wisner launch Operation Mockingbird whose sole purpose is to infiltrate the mainstream media in the United States.

In the mid-1950s, the CIA has worked with 400 journalists from major media outlets across America. With this operation, the government can easily regulate the flow of information that leads to the desired condition.

In the mid-1970s, Operation Mockingbird exposed and disbanded. I wonder what the impact of the operation and what kind of information has been controlled by the Government.

But the question is, whether the operation is completely stopped? Who can be sure?

5. Iron Mountain

In 1967, published a book written by an unknown person. The book tells of a government panel that was formed in 1963 and consists of 15 members who called the special study group.

This panel has a duty, which is to think that the impact will occur if the United States entered a period of prolonged peace. They hold regular meetings in a nuclear bunker called Iron Mountain.

Over the next two years this panel to formulate their views until finally taking controversial conclusions. One member of the panel is a professor who then decided to leak it to the public through a book he wrote.

One conclusion is that even if prolonged peace can be achieved, it is certain that the situation was not ideal conditions required by the community. War is a part of the economy. Therefore we need a state of war to achieve economic stability.

According to the panel, a government would not exist without war and a government had used the war as a means to achieve political economic situation in favor.

The panel also recommended the government to seek an alternative enemy and creating public panic with alien sighting reports or uncontrolled pollution.

On November 20, 1967, U.S. News and World report that the rumors about this Panel has no basis and they get confirmation from a source in the government.

The source also said that when President Johnson read the Panel's recommendations Iron Mountain, he ordered his staff to ignore. Messages were sent to ambassadors in various countries and ask them to not associate this panel's recommendations with the U.S. government.

But is this recommendation has been ignored? How can we be sure? I admit, sometimes conspiracy theorists draw their theories too far so it sounds like a joke.

David Icke for example. He is one of the conspiracy theorists most famous in the UK. He once said that real this time we are living in a Matrix. This means that what we are living now is just an illusion. He also believes that the majority of U.S. politicians is the undercover Reptilian Alien race.

Another interesting character is Alex Jones who runs the website Infowars.com. If Icke is famous in the UK, Jones is famous in the United States. Man this one sounds more plausible than Icke.

He believes that the events of 911 and the bombing of the Boston marathon is the U.S. government's own actions. Lately we can read the news in Indonesia, citing Jones in relation to the Boston Bomb.

But, this is what I like from the conspiracy theorists. There is no truth. That there is a Cover Up. For example, Alex Jones believes that the Illuminati had taken control of American politics with a purpose, which is to rule the world.

Then came another conspiracy theorist. Lorie Kramer name. Kramer boldly say that Alex Jones is actually a New World Order recruits to distract the American public. Of course this is a blow to Jones who considers himself the leading figure in the fight against the New World Order.

Not enough attacks launched Kramer, partner Gary and Lisa Ruby Jones is claiming that recruits scientology church to rule the world and destroy Christianity.

So who do you want to believe? If we can trust Jones without demanding proof, should not we also be able to trust Kramer and Ruby without demanding proof?

If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would accuse Kramer and Ruby as recruits New World Order to discredit Jones who is the main enemy of the New World Order.

However, after I launched the accusations, as you might accuse me of being behind the New World Order stooge aimed to discredit Kramer and outspoken Ruby that puts the lie to Jones. And so on ... and so on ..

Such conspiracy theory thinking circle unfailing. Confusing is not it? But let's move on and not dwell on thoughts that circle.

Before I end this post, I want to ask anyone to you.

Do you remember the Roswell? In 1947, an alien craft and bodies of the pilot believed crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Although referred to occurred in 1947, the Roswell story was revealed in 1978 by UFO researcher Stanton T Friedman.

Remember Panel Iron Mountain formed in 1963 that I mentioned above?

The panel recommends the U.S. government to create an alternative enemy and creating public panic over reports of UFO and Alien.

Well, my question is, whether the Roswell story that came to light in 1978 as part of the implementation of the panel Iron Mountain?

Then is it the case that the more intense UFO sightings in recent decades is also part of the implementation?

Then, if the panel's recommendations Iron Mountain is completely ignored the U.S. government?

Do not we just know that President Johnson ignored by a source?

What if the source turns out to be part of a conspiracy to cover up the facts?

Or what if the U.S. News and World which reported about the source turned out to be part of Operation Mckingbird which was still running?
