1. More Men Like Women Who decided by Her boyfriend
The findings from the University of Michigan said that men were more interested in approaching the woman who jilted lover. Experts speculate, when the man who took the initiative to break the link, it will indicate the dominance of the opposite sex. Thus, he would deem a woman who decided it would be easier to control.
2. You Can Detect Cheating Builders of voice
In one study, researchers asked 120 men and women to voice vowels with different tones. The survey results revealed, women tend to associate men with low voice cheating behavior. As for the male respondents, the higher the woman pitched like cheating. Although strange, these findings are considered plausible in a biological perspective. Lower tone, means having a high testosterone level. With high testosterone levels make men less likely to be picky in determining partner (read: easy to fall in love).
3. Longer than Men's Grooming Women
Research carried out Travelodge - corporate giant hotel chain - found that men can spend an average of 81 minutes per day to take care of the body, such as cleaning, refreshing and moisturizing the face, shaving, styling hair and choosing clothes. While women took just 75 minutes a day for hair, choose clothes and wear make-up.
4. Women Easier When Remembering Something Told to Voice Within
Women can be more accurately remember an object, if the object is introduced by the deep male voice. Study by David Smith and colleagues at the University of Aberdeen, UK, showed that the male voice is more masculine and low in important and well in mate choice and the accuracy of memory in women.
5. 75% Women Spend USD $ 7 Million At Broken Heart
Based on a survey of online shopping sites in the UK called Superdrug, 75% of women spend U.S. $ 782 or about $ 7 million to change his appearance after a breakup. The study included 2,000 women respondents. More than half the respondents said they immediately went to the salon to get a new hair style, manicure and pedicure, buy clothes and make-up, even enroll in a fitness center. Women assume his girlfriend dumped him because they are less attractive to a variety of self-care measures do.
6. 48% for Fat Men Decide Lover
It turns out quite a lot of men today are concerned with the physical appearance of women. This is evident from a recent survey, 48% of men admit to throw a fat woman. A survey made by the site AskMen and Cosmpolitan was followed by 70 thousand people in the United States. From the survey it was revealed he did not really accept it if their partner gained weight.
7. Women with Successful Career Cheating Easier
The study was conducted Joris Lammers, of Tilburg University professor in the Netherlands. He studied the behavior of more than 1,500 readers of a business magazine, ranging from the highest to the low position. The result, Joris found that women who occupy high office in his office interested in the challenges and high risks. Affair, so one way to meet the 'desire' challenges. The cause is not due to low-high moral maturity, but power and opportunity.
8. Smiles Make Men Less Attractive
The study, published in the journal of the American Psychological Association said, smiling man who is considered not attractive to women. Respondents were asked to see the photo opposite sex. Then, the researchers looked at the respondents' reactions first saw the photo.
"Men who smile are perceived less attractive for some women," said Jessica Tracy, the leader of the study and a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, as reported Idiva.
Women seem to be more like the figure of a man who was cold and not a lot of smiles. Rangga like in the film AADC or the vampire Edward Cullen in the movie 'Twilight'. A slightly downcast expression of shame without a smile is an attitude that mengisyaratkkan need sympathy. For women it can be very interesting expression.