1. Adolf Hitler did not merely Horror

The world knew him as a cruel dictator. But in rare photographs below, Adolf Hitler did not show the impression of creepy. As the German government's personal photographer, Hugo Jaeger gained a rare opportunity to capture the important moment when the rise of fascism in the country's government.
He had access to Hitler during a campaign slingshot around Europe. Also times when he was intimate with colleagues.
As in a photograph owned by Life magazine and reported by the Daily Mail, the man dubbed seen die fuhrer is smiling a bit embarrassed because the students mobbed Austria.
The color photographs were rare. Jaeger was one of the experts, at that time. As quoted in Life, Hitler once said to Jaeger, "The future belongs to color photography.
Picture story itself is also unique. Jaeger was fears when American soldiers raided his home, which had already been taking place to hide suitcase photo copy. He worried the photo would be destroyed. However, American soldiers are more interested in a bottle of cognac. Jaeger longer hide his work in glass containers, outside of the city and eventually sold it in 1965 keLife ago.
Other photos show Hitler was relaxing with a woman. Then as he looked excited awarded a car of Ferdinand Porsche, Austrian businessman.
2. Adolf Hitler had a good taste of art

What does a dictator spare time? People only know Adolf Hitler from creating war effort. But what do I relax? Some of the photos were never circulated, as published by the Daily Mail, shows Hitler proved to have good taste.
The photos are taken of by Hugo Jaeger who worked as one of the photographers pribati Hitler, peroode 1936-1945.
Jaeger have access to capture the private moments leader who called his followers die fuhreroleh it.
Options ranging from furniture, sculptures to paintings on display. Including those in Hitler's Berlin apartment.
Hitler was obsessed with great architecture and massive monuments invite admiration from visitors.
Not only photos of the house, Jager also snapped Hitler sedangbersantai politicians in his home with his wife in Upper Bavaria, around the 1930s.
3. Hitler painting Conduct Rp378 Million

The painting was done auctioned in Slovakia, through the internet by darte auction house, on Sunday (29/1). Prices start painting called 'Maritime Nocturno' was 10 thousand euros. Expert painting of darte, reported by the Straits Times, said the painting was worth 25 thousand euros. The online auction takes place behind closed doors.
"Painting offered by families Slovak painter who never published his name and probably never met Hitler in person when he was a painter in the early 20th century in Vienna, said owner darte, Jeroslav Krajnak.
Painting 'Maritime Nocturno' mixed-media style, describing the full moon in the dark night that is above the sea. The moonlight reflected off beautifully above sea level.
4. Adolf Hitler Ever Short Pants

Ever see Adolf Hitler wear shorts? Appearance was found in one of the many photographs that have never been released, such as the following. These pictures were taken in 1920, showing the Nazi leader in a variety of poses. Complete with weird looks and movement, as if practicing before a speech to the German people.
The man who took the photographs, reported by the Daily Mail, was his personal photographer, Heinrich Hoffmann. He wanted to show Hitler, how he will be seen by the people.
While still alive, Hitler himself who banned the photo released. Like one of them, photograph wearing shorts and leaning against a tree. Hoffmann save the photo in his studio until the war ended and then stored in various archives.
He later published his memoirs which are less popular, 'Hitler Was My Friend', in the 1950s. Now, the book was published his English version.
5. Hitler's Children Got a Secret in France?

A British man unload a written diary of his father, a British soldier during World War II. Its contents made her surprised. Namely the claim that Hitler had a son who lives in France.
For decades, the book was stored in a cardboard box with other items owned by the late engineer who fought to defend Britain, Leonard Wilkes. Leonard's son, Alan (72), suggests that his father's diary written.
"The diary tersimpat in the box. I even want to throw it away. But was surprised when reading it. Dad never told me about the war until the end of his life. So, I did not know he had the diary, he said, quoted by the Daily Mail. Alan did not know the diary was going to be more valuable after the claims of the French magazine, Le Point, that Hitler is likely to have sons currently serving in the army and stationed in France during World War I.

The world knew him as a cruel dictator. But in rare photographs below, Adolf Hitler did not show the impression of creepy. As the German government's personal photographer, Hugo Jaeger gained a rare opportunity to capture the important moment when the rise of fascism in the country's government.
He had access to Hitler during a campaign slingshot around Europe. Also times when he was intimate with colleagues.
As in a photograph owned by Life magazine and reported by the Daily Mail, the man dubbed seen die fuhrer is smiling a bit embarrassed because the students mobbed Austria.
The color photographs were rare. Jaeger was one of the experts, at that time. As quoted in Life, Hitler once said to Jaeger, "The future belongs to color photography.
Picture story itself is also unique. Jaeger was fears when American soldiers raided his home, which had already been taking place to hide suitcase photo copy. He worried the photo would be destroyed. However, American soldiers are more interested in a bottle of cognac. Jaeger longer hide his work in glass containers, outside of the city and eventually sold it in 1965 keLife ago.
Other photos show Hitler was relaxing with a woman. Then as he looked excited awarded a car of Ferdinand Porsche, Austrian businessman.
2. Adolf Hitler had a good taste of art

What does a dictator spare time? People only know Adolf Hitler from creating war effort. But what do I relax? Some of the photos were never circulated, as published by the Daily Mail, shows Hitler proved to have good taste.
The photos are taken of by Hugo Jaeger who worked as one of the photographers pribati Hitler, peroode 1936-1945.
Jaeger have access to capture the private moments leader who called his followers die fuhreroleh it.
Options ranging from furniture, sculptures to paintings on display. Including those in Hitler's Berlin apartment.
Hitler was obsessed with great architecture and massive monuments invite admiration from visitors.
Not only photos of the house, Jager also snapped Hitler sedangbersantai politicians in his home with his wife in Upper Bavaria, around the 1930s.
3. Hitler painting Conduct Rp378 Million
The painting was done auctioned in Slovakia, through the internet by darte auction house, on Sunday (29/1). Prices start painting called 'Maritime Nocturno' was 10 thousand euros. Expert painting of darte, reported by the Straits Times, said the painting was worth 25 thousand euros. The online auction takes place behind closed doors.
"Painting offered by families Slovak painter who never published his name and probably never met Hitler in person when he was a painter in the early 20th century in Vienna, said owner darte, Jeroslav Krajnak.
Painting 'Maritime Nocturno' mixed-media style, describing the full moon in the dark night that is above the sea. The moonlight reflected off beautifully above sea level.
4. Adolf Hitler Ever Short Pants

Ever see Adolf Hitler wear shorts? Appearance was found in one of the many photographs that have never been released, such as the following. These pictures were taken in 1920, showing the Nazi leader in a variety of poses. Complete with weird looks and movement, as if practicing before a speech to the German people.
The man who took the photographs, reported by the Daily Mail, was his personal photographer, Heinrich Hoffmann. He wanted to show Hitler, how he will be seen by the people.
While still alive, Hitler himself who banned the photo released. Like one of them, photograph wearing shorts and leaning against a tree. Hoffmann save the photo in his studio until the war ended and then stored in various archives.
He later published his memoirs which are less popular, 'Hitler Was My Friend', in the 1950s. Now, the book was published his English version.
5. Hitler's Children Got a Secret in France?

A British man unload a written diary of his father, a British soldier during World War II. Its contents made her surprised. Namely the claim that Hitler had a son who lives in France.
For decades, the book was stored in a cardboard box with other items owned by the late engineer who fought to defend Britain, Leonard Wilkes. Leonard's son, Alan (72), suggests that his father's diary written.
"The diary tersimpat in the box. I even want to throw it away. But was surprised when reading it. Dad never told me about the war until the end of his life. So, I did not know he had the diary, he said, quoted by the Daily Mail. Alan did not know the diary was going to be more valuable after the claims of the French magazine, Le Point, that Hitler is likely to have sons currently serving in the army and stationed in France during World War I.
Leonard diary is written evidence of Jean-Marie Loret Frenchman, who until his death convinced Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was his father. Alan come forward, support claims about the relationship Loret mother and Hitler are still young corporal from Germany, during World War I.
Leonard was one of the first soldiers landed on the coast of Normandy during D-Day, June 1944. He continued to write during the fight to free France. Among the alleged relationship includes Hitler and Charlotte Lobjoie, summer 1917.
On 30 September 1944, Leonard tells about the day that he considered interesting. He visited the house when he was a corporal Hitler lived and met women who gave birth to the son of Hitler. The woman said, her son when it fought against the defending French and German.
Loret was born in March 1918 and recently told by her mother about her father, shortly before she died in the late 1950s. Loret died in 1985 at the age of 67 years, without ever proving what Hitler was his father. Lobjoie submit his son to the family Loret to be adopted in the 1930s. Loret then knew no German military officer who gave money to his mother during World War II. After the death of his mother, he also found a painting in the attic of his home, with Hitler's signature.
6. Had Hitler Home in Los Angeles

Late Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler apparently has homes in Los Angeles, United States (U.S.). The plan, the house will be a place enjoyed a winning war. Hitler believed that the Nazi scenario that would win the war and take over the world, so its supporters in America are willing to pour millions of dollars to build a place that is ready to accommodate die fuhrer.
As reported by the Daily Mail, where it is powered by a diesel engine and has a water tank with a capacity of 375 thousand gallons. There is a giant freezer to store meat and 22 bedrooms. In fact, there is also a bunker antibom in place that had been tightly guarded.
The house is also planned for fascism in the Hollywood community that hopes to survive the war. Some plan to continue the development of many that have not been implemented. Such as the construction of five libraries, a swimming pool, a dining room and a gymnasium.
All the money used came from Germany. This plan failed miserably after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii by the Japanese in 1941. America got involved in World War II. The police raided the place and arrested dozens of followers of fascism that already inhabit.
Now, the place was abandoned and walls filled with graffiti painting. Bulldozer was parked not far away, about to flatten it in order to become a picnic spot for the hikers. Soon, part of American history will be forgotten.
In fact, a place close to home that renowned director Steven Spielberg tub magnet for historians, artists, curious people and modern-day Nazis. Reportedly, the novelist Henry Miller had lived in that house.
This house was built by the Silver Shirts, a group of fascism in the 1930s which get their name from Hitler grassroot organizations, Brown Shirts. Fascism in America had risen during the Great Depression of the 1930s and the Silver Shirts ago known as the most fanatical.
Leonard was one of the first soldiers landed on the coast of Normandy during D-Day, June 1944. He continued to write during the fight to free France. Among the alleged relationship includes Hitler and Charlotte Lobjoie, summer 1917.
On 30 September 1944, Leonard tells about the day that he considered interesting. He visited the house when he was a corporal Hitler lived and met women who gave birth to the son of Hitler. The woman said, her son when it fought against the defending French and German.
Loret was born in March 1918 and recently told by her mother about her father, shortly before she died in the late 1950s. Loret died in 1985 at the age of 67 years, without ever proving what Hitler was his father. Lobjoie submit his son to the family Loret to be adopted in the 1930s. Loret then knew no German military officer who gave money to his mother during World War II. After the death of his mother, he also found a painting in the attic of his home, with Hitler's signature.
6. Had Hitler Home in Los Angeles

Late Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler apparently has homes in Los Angeles, United States (U.S.). The plan, the house will be a place enjoyed a winning war. Hitler believed that the Nazi scenario that would win the war and take over the world, so its supporters in America are willing to pour millions of dollars to build a place that is ready to accommodate die fuhrer.
As reported by the Daily Mail, where it is powered by a diesel engine and has a water tank with a capacity of 375 thousand gallons. There is a giant freezer to store meat and 22 bedrooms. In fact, there is also a bunker antibom in place that had been tightly guarded.
The house is also planned for fascism in the Hollywood community that hopes to survive the war. Some plan to continue the development of many that have not been implemented. Such as the construction of five libraries, a swimming pool, a dining room and a gymnasium.
All the money used came from Germany. This plan failed miserably after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii by the Japanese in 1941. America got involved in World War II. The police raided the place and arrested dozens of followers of fascism that already inhabit.
Now, the place was abandoned and walls filled with graffiti painting. Bulldozer was parked not far away, about to flatten it in order to become a picnic spot for the hikers. Soon, part of American history will be forgotten.
In fact, a place close to home that renowned director Steven Spielberg tub magnet for historians, artists, curious people and modern-day Nazis. Reportedly, the novelist Henry Miller had lived in that house.
This house was built by the Silver Shirts, a group of fascism in the 1930s which get their name from Hitler grassroot organizations, Brown Shirts. Fascism in America had risen during the Great Depression of the 1930s and the Silver Shirts ago known as the most fanatical.