existence of aliens in this world is still a mystery, but some people
have reported if it had seen an alien or UFO in the area.
From various reports, the following 10 countries have statistical data about the aliens ever visit. Somehow, what fun is alien to all these places.
1. USA
Perhaps the most compelling evidence of alien visits to the United States is a large amount of mass sighting in American airspace, the UFO sighting by multiple witnesses.
From various reports, the following 10 countries have statistical data about the aliens ever visit. Somehow, what fun is alien to all these places.
1. USA
Perhaps the most compelling evidence of alien visits to the United States is a large amount of mass sighting in American airspace, the UFO sighting by multiple witnesses.
Newspaper archives 1997 /
A perfect example is the occurrence of a mass sighting in Phoenix lights off en masse on March 13, 1997. More than a hundred witnesses went to the front of their respective homes. All those states have seen a triangle-shaped object hovering above or V downtown Phoenix, Arizona, in the evening.
It is estimated that between five and ten percent of the American population has seen what they describe as a UFO. The United States also holds the record for the highest number of reports of abductions by aliens.
2. Brazil
Alien encounter in Brazil reported because some strange occurrence, the story about Chupacabre. Alien encounter this often ends with someone getting seriously injured. It is said that there is the so-called Colares UFO attack. Ie, the victim was attacked with a powerful laser beam that causes burns.
Perhaps the most unique is the attitude of the Brazilian government and the armed forces were forced to take seriously their UFO sightings. As if they know the aliens have some goals that are not good.
When the city of Varginha UFO invaded in 1996, the Brazilian Air Force, police, firefighters and soldiers mobilized units, they should have arrested two aliens. While the details of this incident was kept secret.
Brazilian Air Force has released a large amount of information about UFOs, including details of the so-called UFO night, where they launched fighter jets to intercept a UFO twenty incredible.
3. Russia
In 2009, the Russian Navy issued a file about UFOs, which revealed a series of encounters with UFOs from the Soviet Union era. File tells how the Russian submarine stalking a UFO, and UFO's to the surface and eventually fly to the sky.
One of the most remarkable stories revealed by the Navy file tells of a meeting with aliens in Lake Baikal, the world's largest freshwater lake and the deepest, in 1982.
A group of military divers, who also was practicing on the lake, it should find a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery clothes, at a depth of fifty feet. The divers chase and three divers died in the pursuit due to differences in body pressure.
4. China
China (and Tibet autonomous regions) has a long history related about alien life, with several sightings dating back thousands of years. ancient myth tells of a flying machine (sometimes referred to as the pearl of the sky), is sometimes made by men, but more often by the gods.
Some ufologists, especially Hartwig Hausdorf, speculated that many stories in Chinese mythology the dragon is actually referring to extraterrestrial beings.
Chinese emperors sometimes arrested and taken to the train ride pulled by a dragon fly, and the gods themselves are said to have descended from the sky with dragons. One emperor even achieve immortality because it was taken and brought dragons fly into the sky. Hartwig Hausdorf even suggests that the entire Chinese civilization has been built around the influence of the alien.
Since the era of the Cultural Revolution and China was ruled by a communist regime, recording evidence of UFO sightings increasingly impossible published.
5. Canada
Many events in this country, ranging from something strange disappearing in the forest or crop circles are aneh.Stefan Micholak, claiming he got burned by the exhaust reactor UFO in 1967.
A perfect example is the occurrence of a mass sighting in Phoenix lights off en masse on March 13, 1997. More than a hundred witnesses went to the front of their respective homes. All those states have seen a triangle-shaped object hovering above or V downtown Phoenix, Arizona, in the evening.
It is estimated that between five and ten percent of the American population has seen what they describe as a UFO. The United States also holds the record for the highest number of reports of abductions by aliens.
2. Brazil
Alien encounter in Brazil reported because some strange occurrence, the story about Chupacabre. Alien encounter this often ends with someone getting seriously injured. It is said that there is the so-called Colares UFO attack. Ie, the victim was attacked with a powerful laser beam that causes burns.
Perhaps the most unique is the attitude of the Brazilian government and the armed forces were forced to take seriously their UFO sightings. As if they know the aliens have some goals that are not good.
When the city of Varginha UFO invaded in 1996, the Brazilian Air Force, police, firefighters and soldiers mobilized units, they should have arrested two aliens. While the details of this incident was kept secret.
Brazilian Air Force has released a large amount of information about UFOs, including details of the so-called UFO night, where they launched fighter jets to intercept a UFO twenty incredible.
3. Russia
In 2009, the Russian Navy issued a file about UFOs, which revealed a series of encounters with UFOs from the Soviet Union era. File tells how the Russian submarine stalking a UFO, and UFO's to the surface and eventually fly to the sky.
One of the most remarkable stories revealed by the Navy file tells of a meeting with aliens in Lake Baikal, the world's largest freshwater lake and the deepest, in 1982.
A group of military divers, who also was practicing on the lake, it should find a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery clothes, at a depth of fifty feet. The divers chase and three divers died in the pursuit due to differences in body pressure.
4. China
China (and Tibet autonomous regions) has a long history related about alien life, with several sightings dating back thousands of years. ancient myth tells of a flying machine (sometimes referred to as the pearl of the sky), is sometimes made by men, but more often by the gods.
Some ufologists, especially Hartwig Hausdorf, speculated that many stories in Chinese mythology the dragon is actually referring to extraterrestrial beings.
Chinese emperors sometimes arrested and taken to the train ride pulled by a dragon fly, and the gods themselves are said to have descended from the sky with dragons. One emperor even achieve immortality because it was taken and brought dragons fly into the sky. Hartwig Hausdorf even suggests that the entire Chinese civilization has been built around the influence of the alien.
Since the era of the Cultural Revolution and China was ruled by a communist regime, recording evidence of UFO sightings increasingly impossible published.
5. Canada
Many events in this country, ranging from something strange disappearing in the forest or crop circles are aneh.Stefan Micholak, claiming he got burned by the exhaust reactor UFO in 1967.
most famous case in Canada is the Shag Harbour incident in Nova Scotia,
the sighting of an unidentified object crashed in the waters.
6. German
Some of the earliest UFO sightings occurred during World War II. All pilots were puzzled by the appearance of warplanes strange. The rumors were, the Nazis had a secret project to create a fighter. Although no known evidence of its truth.
7. France
In 2007 the French government made a policy that has not been done before, is compiling all the UFO files from the past, present, to come up to. They hope that UFOlogy will be able to provide an explanation that they can not explain earlier.
8. Indonesia
You would never think if Indonesia included in this list, but Indonesia has reported a number of very much related to UFO sightings each year. Amazing incident was when the Air Force UFO chase in Surabaya and tried to shoot him, but managed to avoid the UFO.
The news circulated in July 2008, began when the surrounding community foundation Juanda saw a strange light. One witness, Rizqinofa M recounts son saw a strange object with lights give off light like on Thursday (24/07/2008) at around 19:30 to 20:00 pm. In fact, he also played the recording on YouTube.
6. German
Some of the earliest UFO sightings occurred during World War II. All pilots were puzzled by the appearance of warplanes strange. The rumors were, the Nazis had a secret project to create a fighter. Although no known evidence of its truth.
7. France
In 2007 the French government made a policy that has not been done before, is compiling all the UFO files from the past, present, to come up to. They hope that UFOlogy will be able to provide an explanation that they can not explain earlier.
8. Indonesia
You would never think if Indonesia included in this list, but Indonesia has reported a number of very much related to UFO sightings each year. Amazing incident was when the Air Force UFO chase in Surabaya and tried to shoot him, but managed to avoid the UFO.
The news circulated in July 2008, began when the surrounding community foundation Juanda saw a strange light. One witness, Rizqinofa M recounts son saw a strange object with lights give off light like on Thursday (24/07/2008) at around 19:30 to 20:00 pm. In fact, he also played the recording on YouTube.