Couple Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, for example. In 2004 they bought a house in London for $ 5.7 million dollars the couple Kate Winslet and Sam Mendes. The house is very beautiful, but the neighbors warned that the house cast a strange feeling. The old owners are always having bad luck, not happy, then sell it. Kate and Sam did not stay there long.
How to actually find out if a house is haunted? Ask the ghost hunter partner, Ron and Nancy Stallings. The pair had an interest in the field of parapsychology (the scientific study of the events outside the normal), while Nancy alone has the ability to connect themselves. He wrote the book Show Me One Soul: A True Haunting, after observing and dealing with various phenomena with a very scientific approach. The pair then founded The Maryland Committee for Psychical Research, which investigates paranormal events in hundreds of homes since 1965.
Nancy said, if you are experiencing some of the phenomena that just below this, it could be a sign that your house is haunted. "Even if you have only one thing, there may be more than one phenomenon," he said.
1. There is a strange feelingHome sometimes feels so disturbing, or the atmosphere is thick and heavy. Or, you feel a change in temperature in a room, to be colder than in the other room. This is due to the energy absorbed in the surrounding ghost to manifest itself.
"Often people also feel less alone in the house. They felt were observed, but they did not see anything around it," said Nancy. If you experience this, chances are you feel the presence of ghosts.
Sometimes there is a shadow flashed. While this does not automatically prove the presence of a ghost, you need to pay attention to see if there are other phenomena around you.
2. Strange noises"Often there is a knock on the wall in three series, such as three, six, or nine times. People can also hear the sound of people walking, like the steps," added Nancy.
Others have listened to the voice in the kitchen cupboards or drawers open or close. Other people can listen to music, broken glass, or bell rang.
3. Smells unusual"The aroma can be like perfume or flowers, it smells very sweet. Mostly ghost seems to be followed by a foul odor. Usually, they are the ghosts are negative, and they are disturbing," he said.
4. Moving objectsSometimes there are items, such as silverware, which fell rattling somewhere. Alternatively, stones fly in the house. Lights continuously lit and extinguished. Home and furniture swaying, as if you had a personal earthquake.
5. A strange dog behaviorYou know, dogs are often called can feel the presence of ghosts. Dogs will bark, or curled when suddenly appear unfriendly ghost. But if ghosts appear friendly, dog-ibaskan will begin to wag his tail, and sat calmly as if nothing stroking.
6. SightingsWell, the clearest picture. It can be foggy and glittering balls, or a figure that seemed to float in the air. Some others see the light flickering in blue, orange, or amber. There is also a look at some parts of the body, in the form of an arm or leg. "It would look solid, like meat," said Nancy.
The most convincing evidence that a haunted house is if you can record the image of the ghost, even record voice-his voice.
"Use the new record, and set the recorder," suggested Nancy. "Play the tape again, you definitely surprised. Often you can hear the voices."