Location is in southern Massachusetts, not far from the residence Lizzie Borden, the legendary slayer. The extent of approximately 200 square miles and centered on a swamp. It seems there is nothing interesting in this location, but for researchers of paranormal phenomena, this place is an interesting object of study.
Maybe that's what caused the population of the Wampanoag Indian tribe gave the name swamp in the middle of this triangle "Hockomock" which means "place where spirits dwell". While the name given to the British colonies around the place it is "Swamp Devil".
You should have already started to shudder now.
One area that comes into the Bridgewater Triangle is a city of Freetown and Fall River. In 1979, in the dense forest which is the second part of the city, three young women were found dead mutilated with a crushed skull. The three women turned out to sex workers in the city Fall River.
The police are investigating the case later found satanic ritual elements in the sadistic murder and three suspects were arrested and later convicted.
Of the region, near Taunton river, there is a stone called Dighton Rock. This stone has a strange inscriptions on its surface, which until now unknown meaning.
Mysterious events at the Bridgewater Triangle mostly reported after 1970. But the unexplained phenomena in this region began centuries ago, and even since the United States has not been established.
For example, on May 10, 1760, residents in the area saw a ball of glowing light flying in the sky. The mysterious orb issue a very bright light such as the sun and can be seen by residents of Bridgewater and Roxbury. After the incident, similar sightings continue to be reported until now.
On Halloween night 1908, UFO back look. At that time, two people were walking home when they saw a light in the sky like a giant lantera. The light was hovering around 40 minutes in the air.
In 1968, five people claimed to witness a strange ball of light hovering between the trees in the Rehoboth area.
In 1976, two UFO seen landing on the road Route 44 near Taunton.
In 1999, Courtney Cullen watched Nippenicket UFO near the lake, near the Hockomock swamp.
"Suddenly there was a loud noise. Then there was light in the air. Colorless, just a bright light. Light was falling fast toward the house behind where we were., And when it looks like it will hit home, he turned and with speed incredible just disappeared. "
Not only light and mysterious UFO like this region. In 1970, reports came in to the local authorities about the sighting of a monster as high as 2 meters and hairy like a gorilla. A description similar to Bigfoot.
Paranormal researcher Joseph M. DeAndrade also claims to have seen creatures like that in 1978. He watched was walking slowly towards the trees in the Hockomock swamp. DeAndrade telling testimony in a book he wrote in 1997, Passing Strange: True Tales of New England Hauntings and Horrors. At that time DeAndrade age 24 years and he was standing on the edge of Clay Banks, a pond near the swamp.
"I was standing there, and for one reason, I turned. At a distance of about 200 yards there is the creature. Well, I do not know exactly what it was. Entire body hairy brown like a mix of human and ape. He was walking into forest. But I stood to see where it goes. I ran toward the highway. "
Around 1983, John Baker, a veteran, were canoeing down the Hockomock swamp alone. It was night. While enjoying the activities, John suddenly heard the sound of rustling in the trees. Then, he paused. Frozen with fear. John saw a large hairy creature in the water just a few feet away.
"I knew he was not human beings because when it passed me, I could smell it." John said when he was interviewed in 1998. "It smells like a skunk .. damp and dirty."
Until his death in 2001, John held on to the story.
The 1970s was also marked by the appearance of other mysterious monsters. This time in the form of a large bird like a pterodactyl. In 1971, this kind of bird appears and looks at Bird Hill area. The wing span is estimated at 2.5 to 3.5 meters.
In 1984, the two allegedly shows a similar bird was fighting in the air. No one knows for sure what kind of birds these witnesses reported.
Other mysterious events that happened in Bridgwater are two cases of cattle mutilations that occurred in 1998.
The first case was an adult cow was found mutilated in the woods. While the other incident was a herd of cows were found dead also with mutilated bodies. Police suspect the murder is related to satanic rituals.
Then, just as mysteriously other cities in the world, Bridgewater also has legends about ghosts and spirits.
History of the phantom phenomenon in this region has been started since centuries past with a variety of stories. However, the most famous is the legend of the red-headed passengers on route 44. The legend began in 1969 until the 1980s.