Not to give the wrong information, but the buying and selling of human body parts can now be seen clearly. This phenomenon is alarming if the goal is not just to earn money for humanitarian purposes.
Although it sounds uncomfortable and weird, some parts of the body it can be sold or leased. Body parts are sold or leased could be used without having to sacrifice the lives of their owners.
Some states allow the organ transactions, but more countries that ban it. Members following the human body is usually exchanged for Money:
1. Kidney

Humans have two kidneys, right and left. Small organ shaped like peas has a function to filter blood and cleanse toxins from the body. Kidney can be damaged due to some diseases such as diabetes or consuming too much alcohol.
With only one kidney only, men can still perform its function with normal despite the ability of the body will undergo changes. On the black market, kidney valued around U.S. $ 262,000 or USD 2.4 billion. Therefore, some people are desperate to sell a kidney to get money.
2. Hair
Although it sounds uncomfortable and weird, some parts of the body it can be sold or leased. Body parts are sold or leased could be used without having to sacrifice the lives of their owners.
Some states allow the organ transactions, but more countries that ban it. Members following the human body is usually exchanged for Money:
1. Kidney
Humans have two kidneys, right and left. Small organ shaped like peas has a function to filter blood and cleanse toxins from the body. Kidney can be damaged due to some diseases such as diabetes or consuming too much alcohol.
With only one kidney only, men can still perform its function with normal despite the ability of the body will undergo changes. On the black market, kidney valued around U.S. $ 262,000 or USD 2.4 billion. Therefore, some people are desperate to sell a kidney to get money.
2. Hair
If quite keen to see the market opportunity, human hair it can be used to make a wig or toupee. Some beauty salon or barber in Indonesia where there is hair yangmengumpulkan customers to be sold again.
Unlike the factory-made synthetic hair, wigs of real hair is preferred because it looks natural. Real hair will be reshaped to conform to the shape of the head. Selling price of real hair wigs ranging from Rp 1 million - Rp 1.5 million per fruit, while that of synthetic hair Rp 50,000 - Rp 300,000 per piece.
3. Sperm

In some developed countries, a man can donate sperm for IVF and research purposes. To facilitate this transaction sperm, sperm bank formed which serves to store and collect incoming sperm. The need is also increasing as more and more infertile couples who want to have children.
Each country has different policies about the sperm donor. In the United States, sperm donors are compensated for up to U.S. $ 500 or about USD 4.7 million donation each time, depending on the level of education and family history. In Indonesia, the practice of "buying and selling" like this is not legalized
4. Egg Cell

Just like sperm, female egg can also be sold for the purposes of research or IVF. In the United States, egg donors are compensated an average of U.S. $ 4,000 or approximately USD 36.363 million. But the numbers could vary depending on the needs.
Egg extraction only takes 20-30 minutes. The procedure itself is not painful, but it takes 1-2 days in the hospital to relieve cramps and discomfort. On average, every time "harvest" can produce 10-15 eggs.
5. Rahim Rent
Unlike the factory-made synthetic hair, wigs of real hair is preferred because it looks natural. Real hair will be reshaped to conform to the shape of the head. Selling price of real hair wigs ranging from Rp 1 million - Rp 1.5 million per fruit, while that of synthetic hair Rp 50,000 - Rp 300,000 per piece.
3. Sperm
In some developed countries, a man can donate sperm for IVF and research purposes. To facilitate this transaction sperm, sperm bank formed which serves to store and collect incoming sperm. The need is also increasing as more and more infertile couples who want to have children.
Each country has different policies about the sperm donor. In the United States, sperm donors are compensated for up to U.S. $ 500 or about USD 4.7 million donation each time, depending on the level of education and family history. In Indonesia, the practice of "buying and selling" like this is not legalized
4. Egg Cell
Just like sperm, female egg can also be sold for the purposes of research or IVF. In the United States, egg donors are compensated an average of U.S. $ 4,000 or approximately USD 36.363 million. But the numbers could vary depending on the needs.
Egg extraction only takes 20-30 minutes. The procedure itself is not painful, but it takes 1-2 days in the hospital to relieve cramps and discomfort. On average, every time "harvest" can produce 10-15 eggs.
5. Rahim Rent
Do not be surprised, it turns out she can rent out her womb for containing fetal others. A married couple who want to have children but do not want or can not conceived to hire another woman's womb or a surrogate mother.
In Indonesia, the surrogate mother is not allowed by law. But in the United States, seoang women who want to bear children of others paid approximately USD 2.3 billion once pregnant. Even in this country there is a mother who has given birth 11 times other people's children.
6. Liver
In Indonesia, the surrogate mother is not allowed by law. But in the United States, seoang women who want to bear children of others paid approximately USD 2.3 billion once pregnant. Even in this country there is a mother who has given birth 11 times other people's children.
6. Liver
Donor liver retrieval procedure is done through the liver to be transplanted to the part that require. After 2 months, the donor liver can grow back taken intact. In contrast to other organs, the liver is one of uniqueness.
Transplants from living donors favored over from dead donors. The reason is because less storage time thus reducing organ damage. On the black market, liver organ sold for U.S. $ 157,000 or approximately USD 1.4 billion.
7. Eye
Transplants from living donors favored over from dead donors. The reason is because less storage time thus reducing organ damage. On the black market, liver organ sold for U.S. $ 157,000 or approximately USD 1.4 billion.
7. Eye
Eyes can be donated while it is still alive, but only a few people are willing to give up his eyes given to someone else. Therefore, most donor eyes obtained from he who is willing to donate his hand on when he died later.
Donor eyes used to treat corneal blindness caused by trauma, accident, infection or due to forgetting to remove contact lenses while sleeping. On the black market, a pair of eyeballs valued U.S. $ 1,525 or approximately USD 14 million.
Donor eyes used to treat corneal blindness caused by trauma, accident, infection or due to forgetting to remove contact lenses while sleeping. On the black market, a pair of eyeballs valued U.S. $ 1,525 or approximately USD 14 million.