Music to educate children. Definitely this one statement is not foreign in the ears agan-agan all. But, you might be wondering, how exactly music to educate children?, The following information which can satisfy all our curiosity.

Fact # 1:
Each child is born with the instinct of music
Actually, since the children are familiar with the music in the womb. Mama heartbeat alone is like percussion music in the ears of the fetus, said Chepy Soemirat, Seminator Music Ensemble of Yamaha Music Indonesia, Jakarta, usual musical training elementary school teachers in the corners of the archipelago. Yes, around the 4th month of pregnancy, the fetus is able to hear the 'music' in the body mama. Treading month 7, the organ of hearing your child growing and he began to recognize the variety of sounds, including those at the hearing from outside.

Fact # 2:
Mama, baby's first music teacher
Although the music may not be flowing blood in you, you remain a 'music teacher' first. Humming gently cradles baby moment, or a cheerful song you sing while playing with it, all of these play a major role in a child's musical instincts honed. So, you can introduce music as early as possible, without having to wait until the child is big enough to keep music education. As role models, parents play a major role. If you love music, children will be more likely to obtain stimulation from the environment, obviously Rustika Thamrin, Psi., CPHR, CBA, child psychologist and family of Brajawijaya Women and Children Hospital, Jakarta.

Fact # 3:
Healthful music!
The researchers found the music or humming even mama could help premature babies gain weight more quickly and out of the hospital. Not surprisingly, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in hospitals diligent playing music for premature infants. It is also evident from a study conducted in Germany to 100 orphaned infants with adverse health conditions. They are cared for by the caregiver to touch, abundant musical stimulation, and tone of voice up and down. The result? Their health improved up to 100%. While in adults, the music also known to lower blood pressure and make the heartbeat more regular.

Fact # 4:
Music is good for the brain
Either in utero, infancy and childhood, the music helps the brain nerve cells form the various connections that can help us understand the language. Mark Tramo MD, of Harvard Universit medicalneurobiologist, USA, explains, In the human brain, millions of nerve cells form circuits or networks, which become active when we listen to music. The circuits associated with memory, attention, emotion, motor control, and language skills.
Music also balance the two hemispheres: the left hemisphere (allowing us to walk and talk) and right hemisphere (allowing us to do creative things). Activate both hemispheres of the music, and there is no other activity that gives a similar effect!
Instrument that 'friendly' for toddlers is electone. Why? His keys fit the little finger muscle strength. Also, electone have a wide range of tones and two levels of the keyboard, so that children can learn to distinguish sounds with clear melodies and harmonies.
By the age of six years, when the muscles of the arms and legs are stronger, you can begin to introduce children to the piano, violin, guitar, or drums, depending on interest.
Little one interested in a wind instrument? When he was about seven or eight years, began to introduce the recorder or flute. When he became old enough and ability to thrive, children can continue with other wind instruments such as flute, saxophone, clarinet, and the like.

Fact # 5:
Children are more sensitive thanks to music
In addition to healthful and 'sharpen' the brain, music can also be useful for small menunjangsi in recognizing emotions. A study in Ohio, USA, found children of different ages who are not even background music, able to recognize the 'emosi'yang contained in the music. Not only that, the music can be very beneficial for the social life of the child later. Through music, children are invited to follow the rhythm. This will stimulate the left brain, which is much related to the ability to follow the rules. And while children play and move according to the music, their susceptibility to 'unwritten rule' could be more refined, of course this will be very beneficial when it plunged into the community later.

Fact # 6:
Music education can be started from the age of toddler
Since the age of three, children have started attending classes to learn music preparation (introduction stage). At this age child's hearing ability is growing rapidly, and musical experience will be recorded as a pleasant memory, the sensitivity of children to a variety of tones and sounds were honed. Thus, the ability of tiny embedded dengam the music itself, said Lichin Harty, Chief Instructor Junior Music Course, Yamaha Music Indonesia.

Fact # 7:
Music, channeling positive stress
Playing music can be a means of channeling positive stress for the child. Pressures faced by children is increasingly severe. If the child can bet the music, he has a pickle vent stress much better than playing video games, for example, said Rustika, a psychologist who is also mother of three children. Nothing wrong anyway if you offset the musical activities of children with other activities that are teamwork, such as choirs, play indoor soccer, or other sports group.

Fact # 8:
Talent is not everything
Inherited musical talent was only identified 20% success kid. The rest?
Family environment play a role. Gifted children can not necessarily stand out if the music is rarely at home perdengarkan. Conversely, children who do not have music in the blood of the family could have developed a sensitive musical instincts, if parents diligently to provide stimulation since childhood. And remember, 90% of music is key to the success of the exercise. Generally children meet teachers only one hour a week. So, exercise routine at home is important. Briefly about 15-20 minutes a day, obviously Lichin.

Fact # 9:
Music should be studied in an atmosphere of fun
Learning in a fun atmosphere will open the limbic system. The limbic system is a kind of 'door', so that the information can reach the part of the brain called the cerebral cortex.
Cortex Cerebri, which covers 80% of the volume of the brain, is a long-term memory storage and the site of the thinking process analysis. That's why the average music class for toddlers trying to attract children with various activities such as listening, singing, and reading. That way, your child will be more excited about music.

Fact # 10:
Parent participation determines success
In the music class for toddlers, parents are usually asked to accompany them as a partner of a child's learning. Why? Parental involvement is very important in the advancement of children's music education. Awaken your child to practice the spirit of practicing with him and paying attention to its development. Do not forget, too often give praise for effort and achievement!
Fact # 1:
Each child is born with the instinct of music
Actually, since the children are familiar with the music in the womb. Mama heartbeat alone is like percussion music in the ears of the fetus, said Chepy Soemirat, Seminator Music Ensemble of Yamaha Music Indonesia, Jakarta, usual musical training elementary school teachers in the corners of the archipelago. Yes, around the 4th month of pregnancy, the fetus is able to hear the 'music' in the body mama. Treading month 7, the organ of hearing your child growing and he began to recognize the variety of sounds, including those at the hearing from outside.

Fact # 2:
Mama, baby's first music teacher
Although the music may not be flowing blood in you, you remain a 'music teacher' first. Humming gently cradles baby moment, or a cheerful song you sing while playing with it, all of these play a major role in a child's musical instincts honed. So, you can introduce music as early as possible, without having to wait until the child is big enough to keep music education. As role models, parents play a major role. If you love music, children will be more likely to obtain stimulation from the environment, obviously Rustika Thamrin, Psi., CPHR, CBA, child psychologist and family of Brajawijaya Women and Children Hospital, Jakarta.
Fact # 3:
Healthful music!
The researchers found the music or humming even mama could help premature babies gain weight more quickly and out of the hospital. Not surprisingly, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in hospitals diligent playing music for premature infants. It is also evident from a study conducted in Germany to 100 orphaned infants with adverse health conditions. They are cared for by the caregiver to touch, abundant musical stimulation, and tone of voice up and down. The result? Their health improved up to 100%. While in adults, the music also known to lower blood pressure and make the heartbeat more regular.

Fact # 4:
Music is good for the brain
Either in utero, infancy and childhood, the music helps the brain nerve cells form the various connections that can help us understand the language. Mark Tramo MD, of Harvard Universit medicalneurobiologist, USA, explains, In the human brain, millions of nerve cells form circuits or networks, which become active when we listen to music. The circuits associated with memory, attention, emotion, motor control, and language skills.
Music also balance the two hemispheres: the left hemisphere (allowing us to walk and talk) and right hemisphere (allowing us to do creative things). Activate both hemispheres of the music, and there is no other activity that gives a similar effect!
Instrument that 'friendly' for toddlers is electone. Why? His keys fit the little finger muscle strength. Also, electone have a wide range of tones and two levels of the keyboard, so that children can learn to distinguish sounds with clear melodies and harmonies.
By the age of six years, when the muscles of the arms and legs are stronger, you can begin to introduce children to the piano, violin, guitar, or drums, depending on interest.
Little one interested in a wind instrument? When he was about seven or eight years, began to introduce the recorder or flute. When he became old enough and ability to thrive, children can continue with other wind instruments such as flute, saxophone, clarinet, and the like.

Fact # 5:
Children are more sensitive thanks to music
In addition to healthful and 'sharpen' the brain, music can also be useful for small menunjangsi in recognizing emotions. A study in Ohio, USA, found children of different ages who are not even background music, able to recognize the 'emosi'yang contained in the music. Not only that, the music can be very beneficial for the social life of the child later. Through music, children are invited to follow the rhythm. This will stimulate the left brain, which is much related to the ability to follow the rules. And while children play and move according to the music, their susceptibility to 'unwritten rule' could be more refined, of course this will be very beneficial when it plunged into the community later.
Fact # 6:
Music education can be started from the age of toddler
Since the age of three, children have started attending classes to learn music preparation (introduction stage). At this age child's hearing ability is growing rapidly, and musical experience will be recorded as a pleasant memory, the sensitivity of children to a variety of tones and sounds were honed. Thus, the ability of tiny embedded dengam the music itself, said Lichin Harty, Chief Instructor Junior Music Course, Yamaha Music Indonesia.

Fact # 7:
Music, channeling positive stress
Playing music can be a means of channeling positive stress for the child. Pressures faced by children is increasingly severe. If the child can bet the music, he has a pickle vent stress much better than playing video games, for example, said Rustika, a psychologist who is also mother of three children. Nothing wrong anyway if you offset the musical activities of children with other activities that are teamwork, such as choirs, play indoor soccer, or other sports group.
Fact # 8:
Talent is not everything
Inherited musical talent was only identified 20% success kid. The rest?
Family environment play a role. Gifted children can not necessarily stand out if the music is rarely at home perdengarkan. Conversely, children who do not have music in the blood of the family could have developed a sensitive musical instincts, if parents diligently to provide stimulation since childhood. And remember, 90% of music is key to the success of the exercise. Generally children meet teachers only one hour a week. So, exercise routine at home is important. Briefly about 15-20 minutes a day, obviously Lichin.
Fact # 9:
Music should be studied in an atmosphere of fun
Learning in a fun atmosphere will open the limbic system. The limbic system is a kind of 'door', so that the information can reach the part of the brain called the cerebral cortex.
Cortex Cerebri, which covers 80% of the volume of the brain, is a long-term memory storage and the site of the thinking process analysis. That's why the average music class for toddlers trying to attract children with various activities such as listening, singing, and reading. That way, your child will be more excited about music.

Fact # 10:
Parent participation determines success
In the music class for toddlers, parents are usually asked to accompany them as a partner of a child's learning. Why? Parental involvement is very important in the advancement of children's music education. Awaken your child to practice the spirit of practicing with him and paying attention to its development. Do not forget, too often give praise for effort and achievement!