10. Yamashita Treasure, Philipines
Yamashita treasure, is the treasure looted by Japanese forces during World War II, this location is in a bay in the Philippines, which many believe will be his treasure in this place, but because the terrain has changed, it is getting hard to find treasure

9. VOC Treasure, Indonesia
VOC mystery treasure on the island of Onrust was invited so many people curious. as people said, the number of these treasures can pay off all debts Indonesia.
Onrust Island is located in Jakarta Bay. 3 hours from Muara Karang using motor boats, this place is the Dutch era that most busy places, where the entry of the ship after the colonizing of 2 other cities in Indonesia. Mythical treasure on the island of Onrust VOC's peculiarity stems from history, how an institution as large and powerful trade VOC suddenly broke suddenly.

8. Treasure of Lima, Peru
In 1820, in Lima (Peru's capital) was a war of revolution. As a precaution, the government decided to move the city of Lima city property TSB to Mexico, just to be safe. Batu2 TSB possessions include precious gems, and two pieces of wax tempat2 statue of Mary holding Jesus being human-sized. Overall, the property is valued at U $ 60 million they will be divided into 11 ships and commanded by Captain William Thompson, who menahkodai ship Mary Dear. But unfortunately the government of Lima morbidly know that William Thompson is a former pirate true. Once the property has gone up into the ship, he immediately killed orang2 Peruvian who maintain they will treasure and threw his body into the sea.
Thompson ran treasure TSB to Cocos Islands, in the Indian Ocean, and buried. Then the conspirators dispersed and hid until it is considered safe to take any back treasure that Mark grave. But the Mary Dear finally caught. All the conspirators hanged on charges of piracy, except William Thompson and confidant. Both the TSB agreed to show the location of the treasure concealment TSB. Mark brings orang2 TSB to Cocos Islands, but in the middle of the road Mk fled into the forest. Now playing until they will be ill treasure ever found again.
Since it has been more than 300 expeditions held, but failed. Lately orang2 suspicion that they will actually morbidly hidden treasure in Cocos Islands, but in an unknown island in Central America.

7. The Ark of The Covenant (Ark of the Covenant), Jerusalem
Ark of the covenant in the Bible is a container made of gold that reads "10 Commandments" but it is said he sticks Prophet Musa also be inside the box.
This picture is just a replica.

6. Pharaohs' Missing Treasure, Egypt
Thn 1922 when Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen eat in Valley of the Kings (Valley of the Kings), Egypt, he was fascinated by the splendor artefak2 terdpt in which the young king's tomb TSB.
Around eating TSB batu2 there are many gems and artefak2. So many, sampai2 Carter For takes 10 years to make its catalog.
However, when extracting makam2 other pharaohs in the late 19th century discovered the fact that they will be under the circumstances makam2 empty.
Almost everyone knows that the pirates sdh tomb (to mention orang2 who steal property inside the tomb) has been carrying out the action for centuries ago. But when Mark to thrash out the Fir-aun treasure they will be, then it is outrageous. Next question: where are the hidden treasures of the pharaohs TSB? Some experts believe that the treasure they will actually deliberately taken by the priests who conduct the funeral dynasty Egyptian kings that to 20 and to 21 (years 425-343 BC) in the Valley of the Kings.
Pharaoh-Pharaoh at that time supposedly does not forbid to take any possessions you have in Mark For ancestors' graves reused at Mark's funeral.
One of the leaders of the time who called Herihor be an example. Herihor is a high court officer at the time of Ramses XI. At the time of Ramses died, Herihor seized power then they will be divided into two kingdoms with the law, Piankh. Herihor then put him in charge of the funeral as in the Valley of the Kings, shg he had plenty of opportunities to plunder the tombs of kings past. Now playing Herihor tomb itself up not found. However, experts believe that once the mystery disappearance of treasures in the tomb of the Pharaoh will be revealed over time that berjalan.source
Illustration ..

5. Montezumas Treasure, Mexico
The slaughter of the Aztecs in Mexico who conducted by Spanish orang2 concern in date July 1, 1520. Setlh kill the Emperor Montezuma, Hernando Cort?'s And his forces besieged by Aztec warriors who get angry, in the capital Tenochtitl? N. After fierce fighting for several days, Cort?'s Ordered his troops For collecting the most precious treasure of Montezuma and took it away. But not so much Mark fled, Aztec forces managed to catch and slaughter the Spanish forces in the lake Tezcuco. The rest of the troops who left immediately dispose of the spoils Mark then ran away. A year later Cort?'s Coming again with his army to take any back property seized that first failed Mk. But residents Tenochtitl? TSB n has hidden treasures, the stack allows for gold, gems and various precious stones TSB. was never found again until now. Until Now playing treasure seekers still busy looking for relics of the Aztecs Tenochtitl it around town? Now playing n which has renamed Mexico City.
4. King Solomons Treasure, Jerusalem
Sacred artifacts artifacts looted by the Romans from the Temple of Jerusalem and suspected hidden in kubah2 in Vatican, this artifact is considered as the greatest treasure the Bible as a silver trumpet that would indicate arrival of Messiah, trumpet, gold candles etc..
After a decade, archaeologists have Kensley Dr merekontruksikan treasure for the first time, according to the property have left Rome in the 5th century to the Carthage, Constantinople and Algeria before its final destination in the wilderness of Judea source

3. Blackbeard's Treasure, caribbean island
Famous pirate, Blackbeard, aka the Black Beard, actually just wandered for two years (1716-1718). But during that time he is said to have collected a lot of booty. When Spain sdg busy looking for gold and silver in the area of Mexico and South America, Blackbeard and his accomplice waited patiently and then merompak kapal2 that they will bring gold and silver. when Mark returned to Spain.
Ruthless pirate Blackbeard is known as a smart one to take advantage. Around the area of operation is in the West Indies and the coast of Atlantis in North America, with its main headquarters in the Bahamas and North Carolina. History completed in November 1718, when British Lieutenant Robert Maynard managed to catch him and hang him. But his prize possessions was not discovered until Now playing.
That said, who sank his ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, was discovered near pd thn 1996 in Beaufort, North Carolina. But they will not encounter problems in ship discovered treasure. Many people believe that Black Beard the treasure is hidden in the Caribbean, Chesapeake Bay, and in the caves that terdpt in the Cayman Islands.
2. The Lost City - Atlantis (Coordinates: 31 15'15 .53 N 24 15'30 .53 W.)
Ocean Goggle connection technology of Google Earth has found that ordinary people can not find the Lost City of Atlantis. The town is located about 620 miles off the northwest coast of Africa, near the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
According to the Greek philosopher, a very advanced city of Atlantis was an island about 9,000 years ago. Its territory covers an area of Asia to Libya, with luxurious palaces, abundant gold and silver, and a place of his soil and climate the best in the World. But then, Plato wrote, Atlantis was defeated in war by other tribes. And the town was destroyed.
1. The Amber Room, Russia
Described as the 8th wonder of the world by orang2 who have seen it. Mrpk Amber Room treasure the most unique in all of history.
Is a room measuring 11 square feet, consisting of a large wall panel2 several tons of stone encrusted Amber rara avis, a large cermin2 antecedent sisi2nya terdpt foliage which is made of gold, as well as four distinguished Florentine mozaic extraordinarily beautiful. Structured in 3 levels, they will be encrusted permata2 room that is priceless. In it stored various collections of art objects made in Prussia and Russia the most precious.
Created by King Friedrich I of Prussia For are sympathetic. Russian Czar, Peter the Great in 1716 pd. Amber room is located in the Katherine Palace, near St. Petersburg. Current value of this room probably more than U.S. $ 142 million (approximately more than Rp 1.5 trillion).
When Hitler with his Nazi-Russian attack, guard Amber Room misgivings. Mark was trying to move it, but began to crumble SHG dinding2nya impossible to move dinding2 TSB. Mark finally cover it with wallpaper.a
TSB failed attempt to conceal Amber Room. When the Nazis devastated Leningrad (now called St.. Petersburg) in October 1941, Mark took it and moved it to the Palace Knigsberg during wartime.
When Knigsberg surrendered in April 1945, the Amber Room disappeared, and until Now playing never found again. Has it been destroyed by Soviet bombs themselves? Are hidden in one of the bunkers which lie outside the city? Nobody knows for sure about the fate of the room TSB.
Currently has created a replica of the Amber Room, which was made with great accuracy, at the Catherine Palace.

Yamashita treasure, is the treasure looted by Japanese forces during World War II, this location is in a bay in the Philippines, which many believe will be his treasure in this place, but because the terrain has changed, it is getting hard to find treasure

9. VOC Treasure, Indonesia
VOC mystery treasure on the island of Onrust was invited so many people curious. as people said, the number of these treasures can pay off all debts Indonesia.
Onrust Island is located in Jakarta Bay. 3 hours from Muara Karang using motor boats, this place is the Dutch era that most busy places, where the entry of the ship after the colonizing of 2 other cities in Indonesia. Mythical treasure on the island of Onrust VOC's peculiarity stems from history, how an institution as large and powerful trade VOC suddenly broke suddenly.
8. Treasure of Lima, Peru
In 1820, in Lima (Peru's capital) was a war of revolution. As a precaution, the government decided to move the city of Lima city property TSB to Mexico, just to be safe. Batu2 TSB possessions include precious gems, and two pieces of wax tempat2 statue of Mary holding Jesus being human-sized. Overall, the property is valued at U $ 60 million they will be divided into 11 ships and commanded by Captain William Thompson, who menahkodai ship Mary Dear. But unfortunately the government of Lima morbidly know that William Thompson is a former pirate true. Once the property has gone up into the ship, he immediately killed orang2 Peruvian who maintain they will treasure and threw his body into the sea.
Thompson ran treasure TSB to Cocos Islands, in the Indian Ocean, and buried. Then the conspirators dispersed and hid until it is considered safe to take any back treasure that Mark grave. But the Mary Dear finally caught. All the conspirators hanged on charges of piracy, except William Thompson and confidant. Both the TSB agreed to show the location of the treasure concealment TSB. Mark brings orang2 TSB to Cocos Islands, but in the middle of the road Mk fled into the forest. Now playing until they will be ill treasure ever found again.
Since it has been more than 300 expeditions held, but failed. Lately orang2 suspicion that they will actually morbidly hidden treasure in Cocos Islands, but in an unknown island in Central America.
7. The Ark of The Covenant (Ark of the Covenant), Jerusalem
Ark of the covenant in the Bible is a container made of gold that reads "10 Commandments" but it is said he sticks Prophet Musa also be inside the box.
This picture is just a replica.
6. Pharaohs' Missing Treasure, Egypt
Thn 1922 when Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen eat in Valley of the Kings (Valley of the Kings), Egypt, he was fascinated by the splendor artefak2 terdpt in which the young king's tomb TSB.
Around eating TSB batu2 there are many gems and artefak2. So many, sampai2 Carter For takes 10 years to make its catalog.
However, when extracting makam2 other pharaohs in the late 19th century discovered the fact that they will be under the circumstances makam2 empty.
Almost everyone knows that the pirates sdh tomb (to mention orang2 who steal property inside the tomb) has been carrying out the action for centuries ago. But when Mark to thrash out the Fir-aun treasure they will be, then it is outrageous. Next question: where are the hidden treasures of the pharaohs TSB? Some experts believe that the treasure they will actually deliberately taken by the priests who conduct the funeral dynasty Egyptian kings that to 20 and to 21 (years 425-343 BC) in the Valley of the Kings.
Pharaoh-Pharaoh at that time supposedly does not forbid to take any possessions you have in Mark For ancestors' graves reused at Mark's funeral.
One of the leaders of the time who called Herihor be an example. Herihor is a high court officer at the time of Ramses XI. At the time of Ramses died, Herihor seized power then they will be divided into two kingdoms with the law, Piankh. Herihor then put him in charge of the funeral as in the Valley of the Kings, shg he had plenty of opportunities to plunder the tombs of kings past. Now playing Herihor tomb itself up not found. However, experts believe that once the mystery disappearance of treasures in the tomb of the Pharaoh will be revealed over time that berjalan.source
Illustration ..
5. Montezumas Treasure, Mexico
The slaughter of the Aztecs in Mexico who conducted by Spanish orang2 concern in date July 1, 1520. Setlh kill the Emperor Montezuma, Hernando Cort?'s And his forces besieged by Aztec warriors who get angry, in the capital Tenochtitl? N. After fierce fighting for several days, Cort?'s Ordered his troops For collecting the most precious treasure of Montezuma and took it away. But not so much Mark fled, Aztec forces managed to catch and slaughter the Spanish forces in the lake Tezcuco. The rest of the troops who left immediately dispose of the spoils Mark then ran away. A year later Cort?'s Coming again with his army to take any back property seized that first failed Mk. But residents Tenochtitl? TSB n has hidden treasures, the stack allows for gold, gems and various precious stones TSB. was never found again until now. Until Now playing treasure seekers still busy looking for relics of the Aztecs Tenochtitl it around town? Now playing n which has renamed Mexico City.
4. King Solomons Treasure, Jerusalem
Sacred artifacts artifacts looted by the Romans from the Temple of Jerusalem and suspected hidden in kubah2 in Vatican, this artifact is considered as the greatest treasure the Bible as a silver trumpet that would indicate arrival of Messiah, trumpet, gold candles etc..
After a decade, archaeologists have Kensley Dr merekontruksikan treasure for the first time, according to the property have left Rome in the 5th century to the Carthage, Constantinople and Algeria before its final destination in the wilderness of Judea source
3. Blackbeard's Treasure, caribbean island
Famous pirate, Blackbeard, aka the Black Beard, actually just wandered for two years (1716-1718). But during that time he is said to have collected a lot of booty. When Spain sdg busy looking for gold and silver in the area of Mexico and South America, Blackbeard and his accomplice waited patiently and then merompak kapal2 that they will bring gold and silver. when Mark returned to Spain.
Ruthless pirate Blackbeard is known as a smart one to take advantage. Around the area of operation is in the West Indies and the coast of Atlantis in North America, with its main headquarters in the Bahamas and North Carolina. History completed in November 1718, when British Lieutenant Robert Maynard managed to catch him and hang him. But his prize possessions was not discovered until Now playing.
That said, who sank his ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, was discovered near pd thn 1996 in Beaufort, North Carolina. But they will not encounter problems in ship discovered treasure. Many people believe that Black Beard the treasure is hidden in the Caribbean, Chesapeake Bay, and in the caves that terdpt in the Cayman Islands.
2. The Lost City - Atlantis (Coordinates: 31 15'15 .53 N 24 15'30 .53 W.)
Ocean Goggle connection technology of Google Earth has found that ordinary people can not find the Lost City of Atlantis. The town is located about 620 miles off the northwest coast of Africa, near the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
According to the Greek philosopher, a very advanced city of Atlantis was an island about 9,000 years ago. Its territory covers an area of Asia to Libya, with luxurious palaces, abundant gold and silver, and a place of his soil and climate the best in the World. But then, Plato wrote, Atlantis was defeated in war by other tribes. And the town was destroyed.
1. The Amber Room, Russia
Described as the 8th wonder of the world by orang2 who have seen it. Mrpk Amber Room treasure the most unique in all of history.
Is a room measuring 11 square feet, consisting of a large wall panel2 several tons of stone encrusted Amber rara avis, a large cermin2 antecedent sisi2nya terdpt foliage which is made of gold, as well as four distinguished Florentine mozaic extraordinarily beautiful. Structured in 3 levels, they will be encrusted permata2 room that is priceless. In it stored various collections of art objects made in Prussia and Russia the most precious.
Created by King Friedrich I of Prussia For are sympathetic. Russian Czar, Peter the Great in 1716 pd. Amber room is located in the Katherine Palace, near St. Petersburg. Current value of this room probably more than U.S. $ 142 million (approximately more than Rp 1.5 trillion).
When Hitler with his Nazi-Russian attack, guard Amber Room misgivings. Mark was trying to move it, but began to crumble SHG dinding2nya impossible to move dinding2 TSB. Mark finally cover it with wallpaper.a
TSB failed attempt to conceal Amber Room. When the Nazis devastated Leningrad (now called St.. Petersburg) in October 1941, Mark took it and moved it to the Palace Knigsberg during wartime.
When Knigsberg surrendered in April 1945, the Amber Room disappeared, and until Now playing never found again. Has it been destroyed by Soviet bombs themselves? Are hidden in one of the bunkers which lie outside the city? Nobody knows for sure about the fate of the room TSB.
Currently has created a replica of the Amber Room, which was made with great accuracy, at the Catherine Palace.