Mystery is something that is fictitious that makes people curious. Mystery usually associated with events horror, supernatural and legaenda that make people ask questions of the truth which is stored in a story tersebut.Namun There are many strange and mysterious events that can not be explained by common sense (logic).
Scientifically difficult to disentangle, perhaps only through supranatura. But these events did happen but it is still a mystery that is not solved by human logic, Here I summarize here are the 5 things that's hard on Explain Mystery in the World:

The first report on the existence of creatures was made by Christopher Davis, 17 years, local residents. He said the creatures encountered while driving through the border Scape Ore Swamp. At the time, her car was having problems so he had to stop to change tires. When he finished changing the tire, he heard a noise behind him.
When turned, how shocked he saw a strange creature seen walking toward him. Davis admitted, it tried to attack his car, by jumping on the roof of the car. David tried to escape. I got home, saw her in the rearview mirror mobinya been destroyed, the damage is also on the roof of the car.
Some of the same month, reports surfaced almost similar to the case of David. Reportedly, a giant lizard-like creature that was near the swamp. Most of the report says it happened about 3 miles or 5 miles from Bishopville or around swamps. Two months of the incident, several police investigated and found traces measuring 14 feet in length inc.
Then the police sent it to the FBI laporran to explore further. However, analysis of a stalemate, until now not clear whether the boned creatures that resemble lizards.

The Mad Gasser of Mattoon is the name given to the man behind a series of gas attacks that occurred in Botetourt County, Virginia, in the early 1930s, and in Mattoon, Illinois, in the mid-1940s occurred in the first an.Kejadian Cal Huffman , in Haymakertown, Botetourt County, where there were three reported attacks during the night.
Around 10:00 on December 22, 1933, Ms. Huffman reported smell an unusual odor, and by overcoming the nausea. Smell nausea and back again around 10:30 pm, Cal Huffman then contacted the police. The third attack occurred around 1:00 pm, when it filled the whole house gas attack. Huffman eight family members of the victims and with Ashby Henderson, a guest staying at the house.
Next are listed in Cloverdale incident occurred on December 24. Clarence Hall, his wife, and their two children had just returned from church 9:00 They were limp. Police investigating the case, found the nails taken from the rear window, where the smell of gas is very hard. Allegedly, the hole was used to put gas into the house.
The third incident on December 27, in which Troutville resident, A. Kelly and her mother reportedly had the same symptoms as Huffman and Hall cases. The fourth and fifth incident occurred on January 10, when Mrs. Moore, a guest at the home of Homer Hylton Haymakertown residents reported hearing a noise outside, before the gas is put into their home through a broken window. The second night raids reported in Troutville, G. Kinzie home.
At least 10 other cases reported in Botetourt and within 10 years later, more than 20 new cases reported in Mattoon. One witness said he saw the perpetrator gas spreader ity is like a tall thin woman, dressed as a man but footprints belonged to a woman.

The bizarre incident occurred in the Middle Ages, around the 18th century. Ochamchir, a hunter in the territory of Georgia when it was included in one of the provinces in Russia. This hunter captures a wild woman in which arms, legs and fingers covered in thick hair. This strange woman named Zana. Because wild, to tame at first he had to dikurungan. Zana has a high endurance more than human. He hold the extraordinary cold weather, but he can not stand on the warm air in the room. He loved to eat grapes and vines, but it is also a heavy drinker and could sleep for years with food thrown at her. After he was tame, then Zana liberated and taught to do things lightly. Such as grinding corn, etc..
Which, oddly enough, he could have a lot of kids with different fathers. But most of their children were killed because Zana washing them in cold river nearly frozen.
Villagers concerned with Zana strange act, and they were taking her children away from her. Zana kids do not like her, they evolve as human beings and they have also been adopted by some of the villagers. Zana died in the village 1890.Sedang youngest child died in 1954.
This story is the result of research Professor Porchnev who interviewed the parents in the village. Zana also has many grandchildren. They are dark skinned. One is Shalikula, he has a strong mouth so that he can lift a chair with a man sitting on it.
Research on Zana generate suspicion that the strange woman is a form of human evolution that has not been fully transformed into modern humans.

The Devils Footprints is a name given to a strange phenomenon that occurred in Devon, England on February 8, 1855. After a snowfall at night, the next day appeared the traces in the snow measuring 1.5 inc (4 cm) wide and 2.5 inc (6.35 cm). Traces were scattered throughout the village. Not only that it also traces exist in the roof even in the high walls of the building. The villagers became tantrum and do not understand what the phenomenon is. Because no clear, people started thinking about the strange creature that haunts even the demons in their village. That's why the term Devils Footprint.
Scientifically difficult to disentangle, perhaps only through supranatura. But these events did happen but it is still a mystery that is not solved by human logic, Here I summarize here are the 5 things that's hard on Explain Mystery in the World:

The first report on the existence of creatures was made by Christopher Davis, 17 years, local residents. He said the creatures encountered while driving through the border Scape Ore Swamp. At the time, her car was having problems so he had to stop to change tires. When he finished changing the tire, he heard a noise behind him.
When turned, how shocked he saw a strange creature seen walking toward him. Davis admitted, it tried to attack his car, by jumping on the roof of the car. David tried to escape. I got home, saw her in the rearview mirror mobinya been destroyed, the damage is also on the roof of the car.
Some of the same month, reports surfaced almost similar to the case of David. Reportedly, a giant lizard-like creature that was near the swamp. Most of the report says it happened about 3 miles or 5 miles from Bishopville or around swamps. Two months of the incident, several police investigated and found traces measuring 14 feet in length inc.
Then the police sent it to the FBI laporran to explore further. However, analysis of a stalemate, until now not clear whether the boned creatures that resemble lizards.

The Mad Gasser of Mattoon is the name given to the man behind a series of gas attacks that occurred in Botetourt County, Virginia, in the early 1930s, and in Mattoon, Illinois, in the mid-1940s occurred in the first an.Kejadian Cal Huffman , in Haymakertown, Botetourt County, where there were three reported attacks during the night.
Around 10:00 on December 22, 1933, Ms. Huffman reported smell an unusual odor, and by overcoming the nausea. Smell nausea and back again around 10:30 pm, Cal Huffman then contacted the police. The third attack occurred around 1:00 pm, when it filled the whole house gas attack. Huffman eight family members of the victims and with Ashby Henderson, a guest staying at the house.
Next are listed in Cloverdale incident occurred on December 24. Clarence Hall, his wife, and their two children had just returned from church 9:00 They were limp. Police investigating the case, found the nails taken from the rear window, where the smell of gas is very hard. Allegedly, the hole was used to put gas into the house.
The third incident on December 27, in which Troutville resident, A. Kelly and her mother reportedly had the same symptoms as Huffman and Hall cases. The fourth and fifth incident occurred on January 10, when Mrs. Moore, a guest at the home of Homer Hylton Haymakertown residents reported hearing a noise outside, before the gas is put into their home through a broken window. The second night raids reported in Troutville, G. Kinzie home.
At least 10 other cases reported in Botetourt and within 10 years later, more than 20 new cases reported in Mattoon. One witness said he saw the perpetrator gas spreader ity is like a tall thin woman, dressed as a man but footprints belonged to a woman.

The bizarre incident occurred in the Middle Ages, around the 18th century. Ochamchir, a hunter in the territory of Georgia when it was included in one of the provinces in Russia. This hunter captures a wild woman in which arms, legs and fingers covered in thick hair. This strange woman named Zana. Because wild, to tame at first he had to dikurungan. Zana has a high endurance more than human. He hold the extraordinary cold weather, but he can not stand on the warm air in the room. He loved to eat grapes and vines, but it is also a heavy drinker and could sleep for years with food thrown at her. After he was tame, then Zana liberated and taught to do things lightly. Such as grinding corn, etc..
Which, oddly enough, he could have a lot of kids with different fathers. But most of their children were killed because Zana washing them in cold river nearly frozen.
Villagers concerned with Zana strange act, and they were taking her children away from her. Zana kids do not like her, they evolve as human beings and they have also been adopted by some of the villagers. Zana died in the village 1890.Sedang youngest child died in 1954.
This story is the result of research Professor Porchnev who interviewed the parents in the village. Zana also has many grandchildren. They are dark skinned. One is Shalikula, he has a strong mouth so that he can lift a chair with a man sitting on it.
Research on Zana generate suspicion that the strange woman is a form of human evolution that has not been fully transformed into modern humans.

The Devils Footprints is a name given to a strange phenomenon that occurred in Devon, England on February 8, 1855. After a snowfall at night, the next day appeared the traces in the snow measuring 1.5 inc (4 cm) wide and 2.5 inc (6.35 cm). Traces were scattered throughout the village. Not only that it also traces exist in the roof even in the high walls of the building. The villagers became tantrum and do not understand what the phenomenon is. Because no clear, people started thinking about the strange creature that haunts even the demons in their village. That's why the term Devils Footprint.

This extraordinary event that until now could not be explained by common sense. Mary Reeser, born in 1881, found almost all over his body engulfed in flames scorched at his home in Florida in 1951. But strangely, even though her entire body was burnt, her left leg smoothly without the slightest flaw. This of course is impossible.
More bizarrely still, the fire only targeting the body of Mary Reseer only. Because space in the vicinity where he is found, not at all burnt .. Though the fire was so high temperatures expected at the cremation of corpses, and should have grabbed the entire room is not just a woman's body.
The FBI has come to conduct investigations, forensic also took part in the case, but they can be solved why this is so.
I find it hard to believe this. The human body is burned with high temperature, a smooth left leg can not burn at all. What exactly happened on the night of July 1, 1951 was? This is really a mystery. This room should have all burned. This is the most incredible thing I've ever seen. Short hair with a face like a very, very frightened. I feel like living in the middle ages, where people talk a lot about witchcraft and black magic, said Professor Krogman from the University of Pennsylvanias School of Medicine. He admitted to not be able to explain this mystery.
More bizarrely still, the fire only targeting the body of Mary Reseer only. Because space in the vicinity where he is found, not at all burnt .. Though the fire was so high temperatures expected at the cremation of corpses, and should have grabbed the entire room is not just a woman's body.
The FBI has come to conduct investigations, forensic also took part in the case, but they can be solved why this is so.
I find it hard to believe this. The human body is burned with high temperature, a smooth left leg can not burn at all. What exactly happened on the night of July 1, 1951 was? This is really a mystery. This room should have all burned. This is the most incredible thing I've ever seen. Short hair with a face like a very, very frightened. I feel like living in the middle ages, where people talk a lot about witchcraft and black magic, said Professor Krogman from the University of Pennsylvanias School of Medicine. He admitted to not be able to explain this mystery.