There is nothing more exciting in the world of aviation but talk about black projects of the shuttle program is so secret that even its existence was not known by certain high officials.
But sometimes accidentally lifted the veil of secrecy to the public, with minimal detail of course. Here we will be down six different stealth aircraft now have some widely known, others may still be highly confidential or non-existent. Here's the article:
1.TR-3A Black Manta

TR stands for Teledyne Ryan is known for showing code with a reputation for tactical reconnaissance aircraft. TR-3A Black Manta is said to strengthen the stealth squadron of the U.S. Air Force. It is supposed to be part of a secret program or black, whose existence was officially denied.
2. TR-3B

The online world is busy talking about the alleged existence of the TR-3B, with the ability fantastisnya. However, despite much evidence to show the existence of sighting a triangular aircraft that can fly slow and quiet, only a few detailed information about these black projects. Such as the TR-3A above, called TR-3B is almost certainly wrong.

But the name of the TR-3B, allegedly as a tactical reconnaissance aircraft capable of disrupting the nuclear-powered gravity system. But many also assume, that a stealth aircraft is also equipped with a hidden troop transport capability.
3. A-12 Avenger II

A-12 Avenger II is designed and manufactured by McDonnell Douglas and General Dynamics as the best all-weather, carrier-based stealth bomber for the U.S. Navy and Marines. Built in secret in 1983, A-12, reportedly got the nickname Flying Dorito. Concept drawings and mock-ups show flying wing design shaped isosceles triangle, with the cockpit near the peak.
The development of the A-12 was hampered by problems. The project was canceled in January 1991 by Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney when the estimated price of each plane was expected to reach $ 165 million. Cancellation is said to be a breach of contract, resulting in legal disputes, between the developer and the government. In 2009, the court finally ruled in favor of the government and the contractor ordered to pay more than $ 2 billion.
4. X-44 Manta

Manta is the X-44 aircraft conceptual design by Lockheed Martin, based on the development of the F-22 Raptor design. X-44 is basically a Raptor without vertical wings with a large delta wing and advanced vectoring nozzles as aerodynamic control. The plan is to transform the prototype F-22, but the program was allegedly terminated in 2000. Render X-44 looks similar to the proposed FB-22, and is also rumored to be canceled in 2006.
5. HALO (High Altitude Low observability) / BAE Replica

Projects such as the black (secret) Other, English attempts to make stealth aircraft remains a mystery. Replica program is publicly known overdo BAE Systems is the design of the study based on the results of the Air Attack System Future RAF (FOAS).
The project is known to have run from 1994 to 1999, with a full-sized mock-up that undergoes rigorous testing. FOAS project set out to replace the RAF Tornado GR4 jets. The program was canceled in June 2005 after the UK joined the U.S. in the program Joint-Unmanned Combat Air System (J-UCAS).
6.Aurora Demon Hypersonic Aircraft

Aurora is the world's most famous secret aircraft, and will be one of the findings of the most coveted secrets in aviation history. Historically created as a replacement for the hypersonic stealth aircraft old SR-71 Blackbird. Aurora names reported to appear in the U.S. in 1985 with a budget allocation of $ 455 million for the production of the black plane.
But sometimes accidentally lifted the veil of secrecy to the public, with minimal detail of course. Here we will be down six different stealth aircraft now have some widely known, others may still be highly confidential or non-existent. Here's the article:
1.TR-3A Black Manta

TR stands for Teledyne Ryan is known for showing code with a reputation for tactical reconnaissance aircraft. TR-3A Black Manta is said to strengthen the stealth squadron of the U.S. Air Force. It is supposed to be part of a secret program or black, whose existence was officially denied.
2. TR-3B

The online world is busy talking about the alleged existence of the TR-3B, with the ability fantastisnya. However, despite much evidence to show the existence of sighting a triangular aircraft that can fly slow and quiet, only a few detailed information about these black projects. Such as the TR-3A above, called TR-3B is almost certainly wrong.

But the name of the TR-3B, allegedly as a tactical reconnaissance aircraft capable of disrupting the nuclear-powered gravity system. But many also assume, that a stealth aircraft is also equipped with a hidden troop transport capability.
3. A-12 Avenger II

A-12 Avenger II is designed and manufactured by McDonnell Douglas and General Dynamics as the best all-weather, carrier-based stealth bomber for the U.S. Navy and Marines. Built in secret in 1983, A-12, reportedly got the nickname Flying Dorito. Concept drawings and mock-ups show flying wing design shaped isosceles triangle, with the cockpit near the peak.
The development of the A-12 was hampered by problems. The project was canceled in January 1991 by Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney when the estimated price of each plane was expected to reach $ 165 million. Cancellation is said to be a breach of contract, resulting in legal disputes, between the developer and the government. In 2009, the court finally ruled in favor of the government and the contractor ordered to pay more than $ 2 billion.
4. X-44 Manta

Manta is the X-44 aircraft conceptual design by Lockheed Martin, based on the development of the F-22 Raptor design. X-44 is basically a Raptor without vertical wings with a large delta wing and advanced vectoring nozzles as aerodynamic control. The plan is to transform the prototype F-22, but the program was allegedly terminated in 2000. Render X-44 looks similar to the proposed FB-22, and is also rumored to be canceled in 2006.
5. HALO (High Altitude Low observability) / BAE Replica

Projects such as the black (secret) Other, English attempts to make stealth aircraft remains a mystery. Replica program is publicly known overdo BAE Systems is the design of the study based on the results of the Air Attack System Future RAF (FOAS).
The project is known to have run from 1994 to 1999, with a full-sized mock-up that undergoes rigorous testing. FOAS project set out to replace the RAF Tornado GR4 jets. The program was canceled in June 2005 after the UK joined the U.S. in the program Joint-Unmanned Combat Air System (J-UCAS).
6.Aurora Demon Hypersonic Aircraft

Aurora is the world's most famous secret aircraft, and will be one of the findings of the most coveted secrets in aviation history. Historically created as a replacement for the hypersonic stealth aircraft old SR-71 Blackbird. Aurora names reported to appear in the U.S. in 1985 with a budget allocation of $ 455 million for the production of the black plane.