Highway is a location that is needed by humans to get to other areas. Because the shape of the earth is not the same appearance, the roads around the world are also much different.
Country filled with mountains, it is definitely from one area to another will often cross the highway in the hills and mountains. As well as the country filled with deserts and forests.
But did you know that in this world there are highways creepy that could even be considered dangerous because it is in a terrible location. Although reluctant to pass, I can not help the residents were forced to cross the road to get to the destination. Hmm, what if you still dare cross the street this terrible?
1. Death Road - Bolivia

Located in the northern part of the Yungas region, this road is called the road of death. This area is in the 61-69 miles to the city of La Paz to Coroico (Bolivia's capital of the Amazon region). An estimated 200-300 people die per year in the streets so no wonder it is called the road of death. In 2006, built across the street from La Paz to Coroico that make this region is no longer solid. After all, what you want to slip into a car on a narrow road which is directly adjacent to the abyss?
2. Guoliang Cave path - China

The road that lies in the Taihang mountains was built by local residents for five years. With tunnel-shaped mountain caves penetrate along the 1.2 km, the road is only 4 meters wide and 5 meters high. Want to try the crossing? Try to go to Hunan province in China. Be careful!
3. Ruta 5: Arica to Iquique Road - Chile

What makes a road that connects Arica and Iquigue this dangerous? Wind speed. If you drove at high speed and you will feel the wind hit from the side very quickly and could result in your car and then driven plunge into a deep valley. Even the pace of other cars also cause it. Not only that, located in the desert makes riders often experiencing hallucinations. Really dangerous.
4. Siberian road to Yakutsk - Russia

For those of you who can not stand the cold, do not try to cross the road to Yakutsk contact Moscow. For what? Roads that are in the coldest place in the world (outside the continent of Antarctica) this can not be paved because it was so cold. As a result, when the summer comes, the rain will cause the street was badly damaged. In addition to dirt roads, robbers who lurk also makes the road dangerous.
5. Highway Sichuan Tibet - China

In China, cases of deaths caused by car accidents has doubled in the last 10 years. Rose from 3.9% to 7.6% per 100 thousand population between 1985-2005. Highway located in Chengdu and Tibet is a highway with the highest slope point in China. With a length of 2,412 km, the road crosses 14 high mountains which average 4000-5000 meters tall. Besides this road also passed dozens of rivers and dangerous jungle. Dare to pass?
6. James Dalton Highway - Alaska

James Dalton highway has a length of 666 km and a unique stone gravel. This horrific road through fields of ice in the Arctic and to the most northern location in Alaska. Combination of slippery gravel (due to ice and mud), cada, and dusty streets've made this sound is unfit for use. Across this region you must mempesiapkan plenty of food and extra fuel to survive.
7. Patiopoulo road to Perdikaki - Greece

This street is a short street with a very busy track. Situated in the streets Perdikakim Patiopoulo to climb the dangerous path because many parts are damaged and hills. As if not enough, the lack of street lighting also made it makes you fear. Due to lack of light at night, you will often not see the pace car from the opposite direction. Scary.
8. Trollstigen - Norway

Sense of the word troll in Greek myth was a giant, and it seems the streets are located in the mountains of Rauma, Norway The first is a giant cross paths. Connecting Andalsnes area in Rauma and Valldal in Norddal, this area is often visited by tourists because of the short road with twists and turns sharply. But after crossing this deadly path, you can enjoy the view of the waterfall is so beautiful Stigfossen as high as 320 meters. Passable fun.
9. A682 road - UK

Located on the A682 between junction point 13 of the M65 and Long preston, this road is considered as the worst street in the UK. There have been more than 100 accidents during the last 10 years. Even a lane along the 22 miles to the north Yorkshire is already consuming 22 fatal accidents in the last 3 years. Still curious to try the crossing?
10. Trollstigen road Stelvio Pass - Italy

This is the second highest paved road located in the Alps. The Stelvio Pass road connects the Valtellina with the upper Adige valley kand Merano. Although it seemed quite safe with asphalt, but the sharp corners make this the title as the best and longest winding roads. But still, pretty awful to traverse.
Country filled with mountains, it is definitely from one area to another will often cross the highway in the hills and mountains. As well as the country filled with deserts and forests.
But did you know that in this world there are highways creepy that could even be considered dangerous because it is in a terrible location. Although reluctant to pass, I can not help the residents were forced to cross the road to get to the destination. Hmm, what if you still dare cross the street this terrible?
1. Death Road - Bolivia

Located in the northern part of the Yungas region, this road is called the road of death. This area is in the 61-69 miles to the city of La Paz to Coroico (Bolivia's capital of the Amazon region). An estimated 200-300 people die per year in the streets so no wonder it is called the road of death. In 2006, built across the street from La Paz to Coroico that make this region is no longer solid. After all, what you want to slip into a car on a narrow road which is directly adjacent to the abyss?
2. Guoliang Cave path - China

The road that lies in the Taihang mountains was built by local residents for five years. With tunnel-shaped mountain caves penetrate along the 1.2 km, the road is only 4 meters wide and 5 meters high. Want to try the crossing? Try to go to Hunan province in China. Be careful!
3. Ruta 5: Arica to Iquique Road - Chile

What makes a road that connects Arica and Iquigue this dangerous? Wind speed. If you drove at high speed and you will feel the wind hit from the side very quickly and could result in your car and then driven plunge into a deep valley. Even the pace of other cars also cause it. Not only that, located in the desert makes riders often experiencing hallucinations. Really dangerous.
4. Siberian road to Yakutsk - Russia

For those of you who can not stand the cold, do not try to cross the road to Yakutsk contact Moscow. For what? Roads that are in the coldest place in the world (outside the continent of Antarctica) this can not be paved because it was so cold. As a result, when the summer comes, the rain will cause the street was badly damaged. In addition to dirt roads, robbers who lurk also makes the road dangerous.
5. Highway Sichuan Tibet - China

In China, cases of deaths caused by car accidents has doubled in the last 10 years. Rose from 3.9% to 7.6% per 100 thousand population between 1985-2005. Highway located in Chengdu and Tibet is a highway with the highest slope point in China. With a length of 2,412 km, the road crosses 14 high mountains which average 4000-5000 meters tall. Besides this road also passed dozens of rivers and dangerous jungle. Dare to pass?
6. James Dalton Highway - Alaska

James Dalton highway has a length of 666 km and a unique stone gravel. This horrific road through fields of ice in the Arctic and to the most northern location in Alaska. Combination of slippery gravel (due to ice and mud), cada, and dusty streets've made this sound is unfit for use. Across this region you must mempesiapkan plenty of food and extra fuel to survive.
7. Patiopoulo road to Perdikaki - Greece

This street is a short street with a very busy track. Situated in the streets Perdikakim Patiopoulo to climb the dangerous path because many parts are damaged and hills. As if not enough, the lack of street lighting also made it makes you fear. Due to lack of light at night, you will often not see the pace car from the opposite direction. Scary.
8. Trollstigen - Norway

Sense of the word troll in Greek myth was a giant, and it seems the streets are located in the mountains of Rauma, Norway The first is a giant cross paths. Connecting Andalsnes area in Rauma and Valldal in Norddal, this area is often visited by tourists because of the short road with twists and turns sharply. But after crossing this deadly path, you can enjoy the view of the waterfall is so beautiful Stigfossen as high as 320 meters. Passable fun.
9. A682 road - UK

Located on the A682 between junction point 13 of the M65 and Long preston, this road is considered as the worst street in the UK. There have been more than 100 accidents during the last 10 years. Even a lane along the 22 miles to the north Yorkshire is already consuming 22 fatal accidents in the last 3 years. Still curious to try the crossing?
10. Trollstigen road Stelvio Pass - Italy

This is the second highest paved road located in the Alps. The Stelvio Pass road connects the Valtellina with the upper Adige valley kand Merano. Although it seemed quite safe with asphalt, but the sharp corners make this the title as the best and longest winding roads. But still, pretty awful to traverse.