5 World at Risk Drowning City

Threat of flooding, land subsidence (land subsidence) as well as the threat of rising seas so bebarapa great world city. It is quite possible that in 20 to 80 years into the future there is the town that will disappear off the map.

Check out 5 world cities at risk following drowning.

1. Bangkok

In 2100, Bangkok is predicted to be the second Atlantis. The capital of Thailand is sinking due to several factors, such as climate change due to the greenhouse effect, rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and shifting soil.

Prediction was stated by the head of Thailand's National Disaster Warning Center Smith Dharmasaroja. By a number of parties, Smith predicted taken seriously. Previously he had predicted the tsunami around the Indian Ocean in 2004.

In addition, the location of the city is 1.5 meters below sea level causing Bangkok always flooded every year.

2. Ho Chi Minh City

One city in Southeast Asia are threatened with drowning Ho Chi Minh City. Every year, floodwaters rising as high as 2 centimeters.

3. Shanghai

Soil structure which was originally swampland then filled skyscraper, causing the ground Shanghai by half inch every year.

The need for the skyscraper Brazilians impact of surging populations Shanghai. In 2001, residents of the city who are in this Yangze River estuary about 20 million people.

4. Mumbai

In 2008, activist group Greenpeace estimates that, in 2100, the city of Mumbai will be submerged by sea water. Rising sea water up to 5 meters due to the melting polar ice.

In a report titled Climate Migrants in South Asia Greenpeace melting polar ice caused by rising global temperatures by 4-5 degrees due to global warming.

5. Jakarta

In addition to the geographic location that is under sea level, the need for high groundwater is considered to be one of the causes of the sinking of Jakarta. Population continues to increase to the main reason for the need for ground water. Within a period of 20 years, the estimated number of residents in the capital increase of up to 40 million people.

Hydrology expert from the Netherlands, Janjaap Brinkman explained, if the water extraction process that is ongoing is not stopped immediately, at the end of the century, Jakarta will sink.

If extraction (suction) ground water is not stopped immediately, at the end of the century, Jakarta will sink to a depth of five to six meters, he said as quoted theatlanticcities.com.


13 Facts About the Sun

The sun is the source of life on earth. Without it, there would be no lunch, no living plants, and much more. As the center of the solar system, the giant ball has a lot of interesting facts. We saw 13 of them.

1. The sun is just one of 200 billion stars that dot the Milky Way (Milky Way). That compared with a galaxy, not including the billions of other galaxies in the universe.

2. Earth receives energy is very large, up to 94 billion Megawatts from the Sun. This equates to 40 thousand times the energy that animates the United States.

3. Every second, the Sun release five million tonnes of material, including hydrogen and helium.

4. Temperatures in the sun's core is estimated to reach 14 million Kelvin, equivalent to 13 million degrees Celsius. Heat was unimaginable.

5. The energy produced from the core of the Sun, it takes 50 million years to reach the Sun's surface. If the sun stopped production now, the new beings on Earth will feel the effect of 50 million years.

6. Diameter of the Sun is equivalent to 109 times the diameter of Earth.

7. If the sun is like a beach ball, the equivalent size of a golf ball Jupiter, and Earth just for peanuts.

8. Unlike Earth, the Sun completely made ​​of gas. In other words, there is no solid surface on the Sun.

9. Sun light takes 8.3 minutes to reach the Earth.

10. Solar rotation speed (velocity) is very fast, 383 miles per second.

11. To deliver light to the outermost planet, Pluto, the Sun takes 5.5 hours.

12. The sun rotates or spins on its axis once a day for 25.38 Earth time.

13. Sun and planet system orbiting the center inside the Milky Way once every 240 million years.


10 Historic Events Are Still Mysterious

Many things happen in this world that sometimes makes us wonder, amazement, and so admired. But not a few who ultimately makes us frown because of how it happened, completely unknown.

Mysteriousness of these things would make scientists keen to express it, but until now the mystery remains unsolved.

Here are 10 events that are part of the history of human life on Earth that happened background is still a puzzle. Data compiled from various sources, including from LiveScience.

1. Rongorongo

This type of language is the other side of the "mystery of Easter Island", because Rongorongo is beraksara hieroglyphic language used by the first settlers on the island.

Regarded as a mystery, as though Easter Island does not have a "neighbor" capable of reading and writing, but Rongorongo mysteriously appeared on the island in the 1700s. Unfortunately, the language is lost because the Europeans who first colonized the island, banned Rongorongo interpret because it is considered as the cultural roots of paganism, despite the interest of scientists to study the endangered languages ​​was very large.

2. Helike, the lost city

Greek writer, Pausanias, explained that a major earthquake devastated the city of Helike, and then came the great tsunami that swept away any remaining burgeoning metropolis it.

Halike is a city that became the center of worship of Poseidon, the god in Greek mythology who is believed to be the ruler of the sea, it is also the god of earthquakes and horses. There was no trace of the loss of the city and its inhabitants are legendary in ancient Greek texts, until in 1861, when an archaeologist found a bronze coin with a picture of the head of Poseidon.

In 2001, archaeologists also found a pair of the same coin in the rubble Helike in the muddy sand and gravel. Until now they are still digging for what they believe to be "real Atlantis".

3. The Bog Bodies

This phenomenon is difficult to solve the background. Although Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) work hard, they still have not been able to move from the data they have acquired over the years.

Hundreds of people are expected to live at 9000 BCE (BC), his body was found buried in wetlands in some parts of northern Europe. People who are known as the swamp man presumed dead after a worship ritual sacrifice, because the body was found signs of torture.

Phenomenal is, despite having died within a period so long, their bodies do not disintegrate despite not having such a mummy preservation process. Allegedly, acid levels in the water in the marshes, the lack of oxygen in water and low temperatures cause awetnya their bodies.

4. Collapse of Civilization Minoans

Until now, historians still disagree about the causes of the collapse of the Bronze Age civilizations that emerged on Crete, Greece, and developed nearly 5,000 years ago until the time of its demise in 1450 BC.

The Minoans were educated people, soldiers, traders, artists, and a reliable and experienced sailors. They are very extensive maritime empire. They were the first nation in Europe to use the written language called Linear A.

This civilization king, King Minos, had the castle is vast and complex, and is the first palaces in Europe which has a paved road. The palace was at Knossos. King Minos lived with man-eating bull is always wandering in a maze of palaces. His name Minotaur.

When the collapse of civilization around 3,500 years ago, the worst natural disaster since the Ice Age, which is a large volcanic eruptions, occurred in the Aegean Island, a small island in the Thera, Greece, which is about 100 kilometers from the island of Crete. Until now, scientists are still puzzled how this disaster could destroy the Minoans, but there is speculation that the disaster in the Aegean that not only makes Minoans buried volcanic ash, but also swept away by a massive tsunami that make it extinct civilization instantly.

5. The Stones Carnac
There is a myth behind mysterious 3,000 pieces of Neolithic stone that stands up along more than 12 kilometers, and are in a perfect line, on the northwest coast of Britanny in France. That said, according to locals, the stones are a legion of Roman soldiers who are doing the parade, and turned into stone by the wizard Merlin.

The scientists believe the stones in a megalithic site was carved from local stone in around 4500 BC to 3300 BC. Although the reason why the stones were made and assembled as it has not been solved, but there are scientists who estimate that the Carnac Stones is an elaborate earthquake detector.

6. Self Robin Hood

His story is legendary and famous to the world. Even been filmed several times. But who the leader of this group of thieves to be generous Sherwood Forest in Yorkshire, England, who are good at archery and sword play this?

In real life, the existence of altruistic bandit who lived in the jungle with the enemy king legendary magic sword, it seems it makes sense. However, the history of the hunt to uncover the identity of this figure only raises a myriad of possibilities with no definitive answer.

To reveal the identity of this legend, the researchers had assumed that the name of Robin Hood is a disguise of a name similar to the name. Then came the long list of names of people that one of them was suspected as Robin Hood. They include Robert Hod who also settled in Yorkshire, and Robert Hood living Wakefield. But still to no avail. Robin Hood identity remains a mystery in the history of the legendary in the UK.

7. The loss of the Legion of the Roman Army

At 53 BC, after the Parthian army of Persian army defeated the Roman legions led by General Crassus, the troops became prisoners of war, and then disappear, without a trace.

It is said that, according to legend, after being a prisoner of war, it led to the Persian forces through the Gobi Desert, but was later captured soldiers Han Dynasty kingdom. This legend is reinforced theory revealed by Homer Dubs, a professor of Chinese history at the University of Oxford. In 1950, after translating the royal history book, Dubs said that he found a city named Liqian established in the territory of Han in 36 BC. The city was established to execute prisoners.

In ancient Chinese, Liqian is a term used to refer to the Roman Empire, and archaeologists believe that at present, the city is Liqian ancient city which is now called Zhelaizhai. This belief refers to the physical characteristics of the city residents who did not like the Chinese, but more like a physical nation Caucasians. Both of the shape of the nose is crooked, blond hair, blue eyes seeds, and body height over 1.82 meters.

First century Chinese historian Ban Gu, wrote in his notes that the Han army confrontation with a strange army that fought with the "fish-scale formation", a unique formation that refers to the way the Roman army at war.

Currently, the city population Zhelaizhai are doing DNA tests to prove whether they are indeed descendants of Roman soldiers who lost it.

8. Voynich Manuscript

This is the most mysterious manuscript in the world, because the script is fully shaped book with pictures and written in a language totally unknown to any nation on Earth.

Voynich manuscript was found in 1912 in a library in Rome, Italy. 240 pages thick book that has attempted to translate, including by expert cryptographers. But to no avail, so if anyone accuses this script is nothing more than a game to outwit or work on the scientists. Unfortunately, based on statistical analysis known that writing the manuscript appears to follow the basic structure and working language of the law.

Studies using radiocarbon dating by a team led by Greg Hodgins, a physicist at the University of Arizona, found the fact that the parchment pages of this manuscript dating from the early 15th century, a century older than previously thought.

In the eyes of the scientists, this antique script makes it more interesting than the novel Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, because in the manuscript are rows and rows of text are "flowing" in the illustrations depicting plants, astronomical maps, drawings bath man , and so forth.

9. Tarim Basin mummies

During excavation beneath the Tarim Basin (now Xinjiang) in western China, archaeologists were surprised to find more than 100 year old mummies between 1800 BC to 200 AD.

The discovery of the mummies that began in the early 20th century, when European explorers such as Sven Hedin, Albert von Le Coq and Sir Aurel Stein tells that during the hunt for antiques in Central Asia, they found the bodies have dried up. Since then, research on the mummies was done because there are interesting of their physical condition, which does not have the posture and the characteristics of the Chinese people as appropriate.

Tarim Basin mummies have a European nation with genetic traits blond and long noses. Ancient Chinese texts mention, in the first millennium before Christ (BC) lived in the Tarim Basin Caucasian group of people who come from the far east. But how the group got there, not at all explained.

Most of the mummies found in the Tarim Basin of the eastern end of the basin that covers an area Lopnur, Subeshi near Turpan, Kroran, and Kumul, as well as along the southern edge of the Tarim Basin covers an area of ​​Khotan, Niya, and Cherchen or Qiemo.

If you are to China, you can find these mummies on display at the Museum of Xinjiang.

10. The loss of the Indus Valley Civilization

Civilization in the Bronze Age (about 3300-1900 BC) was an ancient civilization of the biggest ever, because it has a territory stretching as far as 1,260,000 km2 of western India to Afghanistan.

In addition, the civilization which allegedly has a population of up to more than 5 million people is also the first civilization that developed because it has a fairly urban area with buildings made of brick, roadside drainage system, and terraced houses. Population this civilization also developed new techniques in the craft (and carved agate products), and metallurgy (copper, bronze, tin, and lead). This civilization contemporaneous with ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations.

Until now, scientists are still wondering how this extraordinary civilization collapse and disappear. Even more amazing, from the excavations carried out in 1922 at Harappa, Pakistan, which used to be a part of the history of civilization, it is known that the civilization which is also called the Harappan civilization had neither a soldier nor slave. Not even found evidence of social conflict or other crimes are common in ancient societies. Until the end, it appears civilization as civilization managed to keep himself clean.


10 Most Dangerous Roads in the World

Highway is a location that is needed by humans to get to other areas. Because the shape of the earth is not the same appearance, the roads around the world are also much different.
Country filled with mountains, it is definitely from one area to another will often cross the highway in the hills and mountains. As well as the country filled with deserts and forests.
But did you know that in this world there are highways creepy that could even be considered dangerous because it is in a terrible location. Although reluctant to pass, I can not help the residents were forced to cross the road to get to the destination. Hmm, what if you still dare cross the street this terrible?

1. Death Road - Bolivia

Located in the northern part of the Yungas region, this road is called the road of death. This area is in the 61-69 miles to the city of La Paz to Coroico (Bolivia's capital of the Amazon region). An estimated 200-300 people die per year in the streets so no wonder it is called the road of death. In 2006, built across the street from La Paz to Coroico that make this region is no longer solid. After all, what you want to slip into a car on a narrow road which is directly adjacent to the abyss?

2. Guoliang Cave path - China

The road that lies in the Taihang mountains was built by local residents for five years. With tunnel-shaped mountain caves penetrate along the 1.2 km, the road is only 4 meters wide and 5 meters high. Want to try the crossing? Try to go to Hunan province in China. Be careful!

3. Ruta 5: Arica to Iquique Road - Chile

What makes a road that connects Arica and Iquigue this dangerous? Wind speed. If you drove at high speed and you will feel the wind hit from the side very quickly and could result in your car and then driven plunge into a deep valley. Even the pace of other cars also cause it. Not only that, located in the desert makes riders often experiencing hallucinations. Really dangerous.

4. Siberian road to Yakutsk - Russia

For those of you who can not stand the cold, do not try to cross the road to Yakutsk contact Moscow. For what? Roads that are in the coldest place in the world (outside the continent of Antarctica) this can not be paved because it was so cold. As a result, when the summer comes, the rain will cause the street was badly damaged. In addition to dirt roads, robbers who lurk also makes the road dangerous.

5. Highway Sichuan Tibet - China

In China, cases of deaths caused by car accidents has doubled in the last 10 years. Rose from 3.9% to 7.6% per 100 thousand population between 1985-2005. Highway located in Chengdu and Tibet is a highway with the highest slope point in China. With a length of 2,412 km, the road crosses 14 high mountains which average 4000-5000 meters tall. Besides this road also passed dozens of rivers and dangerous jungle. Dare to pass?

6. James Dalton Highway - Alaska

James Dalton highway has a length of 666 km and a unique stone gravel. This horrific road through fields of ice in the Arctic and to the most northern location in Alaska. Combination of slippery gravel (due to ice and mud), cada, and dusty streets've made this sound is unfit for use. Across this region you must mempesiapkan plenty of food and extra fuel to survive.

7. Patiopoulo road to Perdikaki - Greece

This street is a short street with a very busy track. Situated in the streets Perdikakim Patiopoulo to climb the dangerous path because many parts are damaged and hills. As if not enough, the lack of street lighting also made it makes you fear. Due to lack of light at night, you will often not see the pace car from the opposite direction. Scary.

8. Trollstigen - Norway

Sense of the word troll in Greek myth was a giant, and it seems the streets are located in the mountains of Rauma, Norway The first is a giant cross paths. Connecting Andalsnes area in Rauma and Valldal in Norddal, this area is often visited by tourists because of the short road with twists and turns sharply. But after crossing this deadly path, you can enjoy the view of the waterfall is so beautiful Stigfossen as high as 320 meters. Passable fun.

9. A682 road - UK

Located on the A682 between junction point 13 of the M65 and Long preston, this road is considered as the worst street in the UK. There have been more than 100 accidents during the last 10 years. Even a lane along the 22 miles to the north Yorkshire is already consuming 22 fatal accidents in the last 3 years. Still curious to try the crossing?

10. Trollstigen road Stelvio Pass - Italy

This is the second highest paved road located in the Alps. The Stelvio Pass road connects the Valtellina with the upper Adige valley kand Merano. Although it seemed quite safe with asphalt, but the sharp corners make this the title as the best and longest winding roads. But still, pretty awful to traverse.


9 Most Bizarre Therapy in the World

Many ways to cure the disease. Although many people choose to believe the medical ability to cure the disorder in their body, not a few places that come to therapy.

But whether you know, that some of the therapy is done in a unique way and sometimes absurd? Not only beauty therapy to slap venom therapy, there are many other therapies that turned out to be worth considering.

Dare to try? Consider the following reviews

1. Therapy Death

Therapy derived from China's promise of healing for those who have stress problems. This special therapy to make you feel 'experience to die'. Through this therapy, people who feel the stress of day-to-day pressures can feel 'born again' after a simulated death. A total of more than 1000 people have tried it and felt the effects. Want to try?

2. Slap Therapy

Want more beautiful without plastic surgery? A beauty practitioner in Thailand claiming that he can rejuvenate your beauty through slapping technique. With this slap technique, the patient is said to reduce wrinkles on her face, shrink pores, and tighten the skin without plastic surgery. Believe?

3. Sleeping in Railways

Well, this one came therapy from our country, Indonesia. In this therapy, people slept on the railway every day, but certainly not to attempt suicide. These people believe that the flow of electricity that comes from a train in the distance will cure many diseases. This belief came from the story of a Chinese man who originally wanted to commit suicide, unable to bear with the disease, but it recovered after lying on train tracks.

4. Psychiatrists Dogs

Surely you've heard about therapy using dogs. But have you ever tried a therapy dog ​​as a therapist? A survey showed that 85% of dog or cat owners talk about their problems with the pet. Therefore this therapy was invented. Now the business is under stress but do not have a pet, can relieve stress by visiting this therapy.

5. Tickling Therapy?

Therapy can be tickled as punishment for sensitive skinned people. However CosquilleArtespa in Spain believe this therapy can cause a variety of benefits. One is relaxation through the happy memories that resurfaced in the brain due to therapeutic touch.

6. Snake massage

Need of relaxation? Snake massage therapy this one may be worth your consideration. Some snakes will be placed on your body. They will be crunched and slithered around your body, and provide soothing sensations on your body is tired or sick.

7. Spa Beer

During this famous spa therapy spa is done while drinking beer. However this therapy one uses beer instead of water for your spa. Spa using this beer has now been popular in Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. Want to try?

8. Face Wash With Urine

Urine (urine) believed to be a healer 'magic' in many parts of the world. In some places in China, urine is used to wash the baby's face everyday. Wash your face with urine therapy is believed to be useful for protecting the skin. In India, medical therapy with urine even has its own ambassador. Dare to try?

9. Controversial therapy 'Rebirth'

This therapy is used often used as therapy for adopted children who can not feel the closeness with their new parents. This therapy is considered controversial because the process is dangerous. The adopted children are shrink-wrapped with layers of blankets and had tried to pull himself. After successful escape, then the child will feel 'born again. However, this therapy never took its toll when a child dies in the moment trying to escape.


10 Great Discovery In the World is Have Been Lost

The list of contents penemuan2 who reportedly never been there and gone or banned, concealed or prohibited by certain parties. TS was sure it would be a lot of skeptics in komen2nya. Some of them may just mere conspiracy theory, even so, the following things interesting listening, just adding info. Please check:

10. "Greek Fire"

By: Byzantine Emperor

Who likes to play games reeks of history may know. It is a weapon that is used Byzantium empire, especially in the fight at sea. They say the fire was still alive despite being in the water. Manufacturing processes and technical bahan2 completely suppressed by the military era. Bahan2 reportedly containing naftalene composition, calcium oxide, sulfur, etc.. This weapon is said to be the inspiration and forerunner to modern flame-thrower.

9. Orgone

By: Wilhelm Reich

This one I've read tritnya in Kaskus. According to Reich's Orgone is a hypothetical form of energy that is expressed as a universal bioenergetic force that produces energy which is useful for therapy of life. Orgone energy generating devices themselves have been made with a combination of wood, metal and organic material. Until 1950, the device sold. But the FDA (U.S. BPOMnya), to protest the result of research into orgone not diapprove by many scientists. The court granted, and ordered to be destroyed orgone generating device, and related topics buku2 Reich is also banned.

8. "Perpetual Motion"

By: Viktor Schauberger

Simply put, this device reportedly can produce a greater work than the energy it consumes (certainly not possibly violate the law of conservation of energy). Schauberger actually admitted to not make this tool, he admitted to using the natural power of the earth, but rumors that he manages to make vigorous circulation. After the 2nd world war, Schauberger was arrested and interrogated about his research. The entire archive of work and prototype confiscated.

7. Ozone therapy

By: Some medical experts and biochemistry

Device associated with this mechanism is actually widely circulated. Some doctors believe ozone has the ability to heal. But ozone also are toxic and dangerous to some extent. Although it is empirically proven that ozone reduces due to some disease ever, the use of ozone for therapeutic strictly prohibited in many countries. Americans even prohibit the marketing, use, or even research on the clinical benefits of ozone therapy. Doctor who used it in danger of losing his medical license.

6. Anti-gravity device

By: Thomas Townsend Brown

In 1956, Interavia, a publication reported that Brown's flight manages to make substantial progress in electro-gravity propulsion research. Many aerospace projects in America that also did similar work, and very secret. Brown himself argued that his results may explain the mechanism of 'flying saucers'. Brown's research is very popular and followed by amateurs around the world to make a replica, in the form of 'lift' with high voltage power source.

5. Cold fusion device

By: Eugene Mallove

Easy, cold fusion is the process of nuclear fusion in a similar temperature to normal room temperature. Mallove was the author of the book Fire from Ice, which contains reports and advanced research-Ponn Fleischmann on cold fusion. Reportedly, his research can generate enormous energy of the process. However, research seems scorned and rejected by many mainstream physicists. Mallove was murdered in 2004 in Connecticut by an unknown person. They say his death was related to his research.

4. The fuel cell water

By: Stanley Meyer

Meyer successfully patented 9 patents related to water powered car. But then he was sued by investors for fraud heavy, and had to replace a loss of $ 25,000. Time of his death, an autopsy showed he died of an aneurysm. His supporters claim that he was killed by the giant oil corporations, the assassin of the middle east and Belgium, as well as the U.S. government, to cover up the discovery /

3. Earthquake machine

By: Nikola Tesla

When the experiment with one osilatornya, Tesla reportedly made a resonance at various buildings nearby, and a complaint to the police. As a result of large shocks generated, he was forced to destroy equipment and thwart his experiments. This topic ever MythBusters on the Discovery Channel, where the phenomenon of the so-called mechanical resonance test on a bridge that should hold on the style of it. When the oscillator is applied, it is evident that the shocks that occur on the bridge, but no cracks in the ground effect. This may explain the phenomenon that Tesla did, since time immemorial has been no buildings constructed to avoid such resonance.

2. "Flexible Glass"

By: An inventor at the time of Emperor Tiberius

It is a legend about the amazing discovery at the beginning of the solar year. Reportedly a craftsman who created the technique emperor made a bowl made of flexible glass, and when the emperor dropped it to the floor, the material is just a dent, and not broken. The inventor then fix it easily using a hammer. When the inventors promise that only he knew the technique of creating the material, he was beheaded. The emperor was afraid of dropping material such as gold and silver values.

1. Chronovisor

By: Father Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti

In 1960, the father Ernetti claim to have created the vision over time, called Chronovisor, and reportedly could see kejadian2 in the past. According to this account, the resulting energy and sound of an object stored in the environment. Proper setting of Chronovisor can reconstruct the energy into the image and sound of an event in the past. Through the screen, the father Ernetti claim to see a performance of poetry in the ancient Roman masses BC by Quintus Ennius. He also claims to see Christ dying on the Cross. Before he died in 1994, father Ernetti said that he and all those involved in the research Chronovisor attend a meeting in the Vatican, where the only Chronovisor machine is destroyed.


7 Most Expensive Toys In The World

For older people, happiness is the most important child. One of them is in buy toys. But what if the price is indeed very expensive? The following seven most expensive toy child ever.

1. Lost in Space B-9 Robot

This sophisticated robot toys made in accordance with a series Lost In Space. Every detail of the robot is reproduced from the original model to pattern blue print. Until no wonder these robots sold for U.S. $ 25 thousand or Rp 242 million.

2. Three Wheel Bike Titanium

When children enter the toddler age, the trike would be his favorite. This trike could be the super-luxury option. Made from titanium, a bike that possibility will only apply to children aged 3-4 years is priced on par with home installments per year is U.S. $ 2,500 or Rp 24 million.

3. Gold Nintendo Game Boy

Game Boy this one seems to be able to give rise to different sensations when playing. Not because the contents of the game but because of things coated diamond and 18 carat gold. Game Boy's price of U.S. $ 30 thousand or about Rp 290 million.

4. Playhouse

Play house can be home-based activities that stimulate children's imagination and creativity. Especially if children can play in home-made cottage specifically to fit their height. New England Lodge Playhouse sold at PoshTots site is equipped television, water and air controller. It costs U.S. $ 54 thousand or Rp 523 million.

5. Teddy Bear

The original German enterprises reputable toy, Steiff, celebrate birthday stuffed Teddy Bear 125th interesting way. Released 41 enterprise stuffed Teddy Bear. Puppets are sold confined terbuar comes from the mouth and eyes of gold sapphire. One of the dolls auctioned behavior worth U.S. $ 195 thousand or Rp 1.9 billion.

6. Barbie

Barbie dolls this one very special toy. Just made a fruit by an Australian jewelery designer, Stefano Canturi, Barbie is wearing a necklace of diamonds. When auctioned for breast cancer research, Barbie is already sold for U.S. $ 302,500 or Rp 3 billion.

7. Miniature Lamborghini

Although car-mobilan shape, whether the following items are indeed sold to children. Especially miniature car Lamborghini price reached U.S. $ 4.8 million or Rp 46 billion. With that price, who knows how many native Lamborghini Aventador model that sells for U.S. $ 380 thousand can be purchased.
